Original price was: $5.9.Current price is: $4.9./ 100 g (3.5 oz)

Strawberries are more than just a delicious fruit. They are also a superfood powerhouse, packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients that support your health and well-being. But how can you enjoy the benefits of strawberries all year round, even when they are not in season? The answer is strawberry powder! Strawberry powder is made from fresh strawberries that are transformed into fine particles using a process called spray drying.

This process preserves the nutrients, color, and flavor of the strawberries, while extending their shelf life and making them easy to use in various applications. Whether you want to add a touch of pink magic to your desserts, paint your mornings with a blush of pink smoothies, or elevate your dishes with a hint of sweet elegance, strawberry powder is the perfect ingredient for you! In this article, we will take you on a journey to discover the amazing features, benefits, and uses of strawberry powder.

FruitBuys Vietnam Strawberry Powder
Strawberry Powder

We will also introduce you to FruitBuys Vietnam, your trusted partner for premium strawberry powder. FruitBuys Vietnam is a leading supplier of freeze dried fruit and dried fruit snacks in Vietnam. We source only the ripest strawberries from sustainable farms, adhere to stringent quality standards, and use advanced technology to create the best strawberry powder for you. We also offer comprehensive services, competitive prices, and fast delivery to help you succeed in the global e-commerce market.

I. Beyond the Dessert Bowl: Unveiling the Superfood Powerhouse Within

Strawberries are not only a tasty treat, but also a superfood powerhouse that can boost your health and wellness. They are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients that can help you fight off infections, protect your cells from damage, and support your digestion. Here are some of the amazing benefits of strawberries that you can enjoy with every bite:

*Nature’s Antioxidant Arsenal: Protecting Your Health with Every Bite

Strawberries are one of the best sources of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your immune system and help you ward off colds and flu. Vitamin C also plays a vital role in collagen synthesis, which is essential for healthy skin, bones, and joints. One serving of strawberries (about 8 medium-sized berries) can provide you with 98% of your daily vitamin C needs. But vitamin C is not the only antioxidant in strawberries. They also contain anthocyanins, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, which are plant compounds that can protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Oxidative stress and inflammation are linked to many chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. By consuming strawberries regularly, you can lower your risk of developing these conditions and improve your overall health.

*A Burst of Flavor, a Boost for Digestion: The Sweet & Healthy Duo

Strawberries are also a great source of fiber, which can support your digestive health and prevent constipation. Fiber can help you feel full longer, regulate your blood sugar levels, and lower your cholesterol levels. Fiber can also feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which can improve your immunity, mood, and metabolism. One of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of fiber from strawberries is to add them to your smoothies, yogurt, or oatmeal.

You can also use strawberry powder as a natural sweetener and a vibrant food coloring for your baking recipes. Strawberry powder is made from fresh strawberries that are spray dried into fine particles, preserving their nutrients, color, and flavor. Whether you want to make strawberry frosting, macarons, or smoothie bowl toppings, strawberry powder can add a touch of pink magic to your desserts.

FruitBuys Vietnam 1. Beyond The Jewel_ Unlocking The Nutritional Powerhouse Of Pomegranate Powder

II. From Field to Powder: The Art of Spray Drying Strawberries

How do we turn fresh strawberries into strawberry powder? The answer is spray drying, a process that transforms liquid food products into powder form by spraying them into hot air. Spray drying is a cost-effective, flexible, and continuous process that can produce good quality powder with minimal loss of nutrients, color, and flavor.

*Transforming Freshness into Vibrant Delights: The Magic of Spray Drying

The first step of spray drying is to prepare the strawberry puree, which is made from fresh strawberries that are washed, sorted, and blended. The puree is then mixed with drying agents, such as maltodextrin and whey protein isolate, to increase its solid content and improve its drying properties. The drying agents can also enhance the functionality and stability of the powder, such as solubility, moisture content, water activity, color, particle size, morphology, hygroscopicity, antioxidant activity, and flavor.

The next step is to atomize the strawberry puree, which means to break it into tiny droplets using a nozzle or a rotary atomizer. The atomization is crucial for the quality of the powder, as it determines the size, shape, and distribution of the particles. The smaller and more uniform the droplets, the better the drying efficiency and the powder quality. The final step is to dry the strawberry droplets, which are sprayed into a drying chamber where hot air is circulated. The hot air evaporates the moisture from the droplets, leaving behind fine particles of strawberry powder.

The powder is then separated from the air using a cyclone or a bag filter, and collected for packaging or further processing. The whole process takes only a few seconds, which minimizes the exposure of the strawberries to high temperatures and preserves their nutrients, color, and flavor.

*Striking the Perfect Balance: Time, Temperature, and the Color Code

One of the main challenges of spray drying strawberries is to find the optimal balance between the drying time and the drying temperature. The drying time is the duration of the contact between the strawberry droplets and the hot air, while the drying temperature is the temperature of the hot air at the inlet of the drying chamber. Both factors affect the quality of the powder, especially the nutrient retention and the color preservation.

The general rule is that the higher the drying temperature, the shorter the drying time, and vice versa. However, there is a trade-off between the two. If the drying temperature is too high, the powder may lose some of its nutrients and flavor due to thermal degradation. If the drying time is too long, the powder may lose some of its color due to oxidation. Therefore, the optimal balance is to use a moderate drying temperature and a short drying time, which can achieve the best results in terms of nutrient retention and color preservation. At FruitBuys Vietnam, we use advanced technology and strict quality control to ensure that our strawberry powder meets the highest standards of quality and safety.

We carefully monitor and adjust the drying time and the drying temperature according to the characteristics of the strawberry puree and the desired properties of the powder. We also test our powder for its physical, chemical, and sensory attributes, such as solubility, moisture content, water activity, color, particle size, morphology, hygroscopicity, antioxidant activity, and flavor. We guarantee that our strawberry powder is not only delicious, but also nutritious and vibrant.

FruitBuys Vietnam 2. From Ruby To Powder_ The Magic Of Spray Drying Preserved

III. Beyond the Smoothie Bowl: Culinary Adventures with Strawberry Powder

Strawberry powder is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various culinary applications, from baking to smoothies, from desserts to sauces, and from beverages to marinades. It can add a natural sweetness, a vibrant color, and a burst of flavor to your dishes, without adding any artificial ingredients or preservatives. Here are some of the ways you can use strawberry powder in your kitchen:

*Baking Bonanza: Infuse Desserts with a Touch of Pink Magic

Strawberry powder is a great baking ingredient that can enhance the taste, texture, and appearance of your desserts. You can use it as a natural sweetener and a vibrant food coloring for your cakes, cookies, muffins, pies, and more. You can also use it to make delicious frostings, icings, fillings, and glazes for your baked goods. For example, you can make a creamy strawberry frosting by mixing strawberry powder, cream cheese, butter, and powdered sugar.

You can use this frosting to decorate your cupcakes, layer cakes, or brownies. One of the most popular desserts that you can make with strawberry powder is macarons, the delicate French cookies that are crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Macarons are usually made with almond flour, egg whites, and sugar, and filled with various flavors of ganache, buttercream, or jam. You can use strawberry powder to add a touch of pink magic to your macarons, both in the shells and in the filling.

For example, you can make a strawberry ganache by heating cream and white chocolate, and then adding strawberry powder and butter. You can use this ganache to fill your strawberry macaron shells, and enjoy the sweet and tangy combination. Another way to use strawberry powder in your baking is to sprinkle it on top of your desserts as a finishing touch. You can use it to add some color and flavor to your smoothie bowls, yogurt, ice cream, or pudding. You can also mix it with some granola, nuts, seeds, or dried fruits, and use it as a crunchy topping for your oatmeal, cereal, or pancakes. Strawberry powder can make your desserts look more appealing and appetizing, as well as more nutritious and delicious.

*Smoothie Sensations: Paint Your Mornings with a Blush of Pink

Strawberry powder is also a great smoothie ingredient that can make your mornings more refreshing and energizing. You can use it to add some sweetness, color, and nutrition to your smoothies, without adding any extra sugar or calories. You can also use it to create different flavors and combinations of smoothies, depending on your mood and preference. Here are some of the smoothie recipes that you can try with strawberry powder:

  • Detox Smoothie: This smoothie is perfect for cleansing your body and boosting your metabolism. You can make it by blending strawberry powder, banana, spinach, lemon juice, ginger, and water. This smoothie is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, which can help you flush out toxins, improve your digestion, and reduce inflammation.
  • Protein Smoothie: This smoothie is ideal for building your muscles and satisfying your hunger. You can make it by blending strawberry powder, vanilla protein powder, almond milk, and ice. This smoothie is high in protein, calcium, and healthy fats, which can help you repair your tissues, strengthen your bones, and keep you full longer.
  • Post-Workout Smoothie: This smoothie is great for recovering your energy and replenishing your electrolytes after a workout. You can make it by blending strawberry powder, coconut water, pineapple, and mint leaves. This smoothie is low in calories, but high in potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C, which can help you hydrate, balance your fluids, and boost your immunity.

FruitBuys Vietnam 4

*Savory Symphony: Elevate Dishes with a Hint of Sweet Elegance

Strawberry powder is not only a sweet ingredient, but also a savory one. You can use it to add some sweetness, color, and flavor to your sauces, marinades, dips, salad dressings, and more. You can also use it to complement various dishes, such as fish, chicken, vegetables, and even salsa. Here are some of the savory recipes that you can try with strawberry powder:

  • Strawberry Balsamic Sauce: This sauce is a delicious combination of sweet and tangy flavors, perfect for drizzling over grilled chicken, pork, or salmon. You can make it by simmering strawberry powder, balsamic vinegar, honey, and cornstarch in a small saucepan, until thickened and glossy. You can also add some fresh basil leaves for extra freshness and aroma.
  • Strawberry Vinaigrette: This dressing is a light and refreshing way to dress up your salads, especially with spinach, arugula, or kale. You can make it by blending strawberry powder, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper in a blender, until smooth and emulsified. You can also add some fresh strawberries for extra texture and flavor.
  • Strawberry Salsa: This salsa is a fruity and spicy twist on the classic tomato salsa, great for dipping tortilla chips, nachos, or tacos. You can make it by chopping fresh strawberries, red onion, jalapeño, cilantro, and lime juice, and tossing them with some strawberry powder, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. You can also add some avocado or mango for extra creaminess and sweetness.

IV. Superfood Powerhouse: Strawberry Powder Beyond the Kitchen

Strawberry powder is not only a delicious and nutritious ingredient for your kitchen, but also a versatile and creative one for other purposes. You can use it to create vibrant hues, natural food coloring, cosmetics, pet food, and dietary supplements. Here are some of the ways you can use strawberry powder beyond the kitchen:

*Vibrant Hues Made Natural: Food Coloring and Cosmetics

Strawberry powder is a natural and safe way to add some color and fun to your food and beauty products. You can use it as a natural food coloring for your cake decorating, frosting, icing, beverages, and more. You can also use it to make your own cosmetics, such as lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, and more. Strawberry powder can give you a beautiful and healthy glow, without any harmful chemicals or additives. To use strawberry powder as a natural food coloring, you can simply mix it with water, milk, or any liquid of your choice, and adjust the amount according to the intensity of the color you want.

You can also mix it with other natural food colorings, such as beetroot powder, turmeric powder, or spirulina powder, to create different shades and combinations. You can then use it to color your cake batter, frosting, icing, smoothies, lemonade, or any other food or drink you like. To use strawberry powder as a cosmetic, you can simply mix it with some oil, butter, or wax of your choice, and adjust the amount according to the pigmentation and texture you want.

You can also mix it with other natural ingredients, such as cocoa powder, mica powder, or arrowroot powder, to create different shades and effects. You can then use it to make your own lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, or any other beauty product you like.

*Boosting Nutrition: Pet Food and Dietary Supplements

Strawberry powder is not only good for you, but also for your pets and your health supplements. You can use it to boost the nutrition, flavor, and color of your pet food, dog treats, cat food, and dietary supplements. Strawberry powder can provide your pets and yourself with antioxidants, vitamins, and immune system support, as well as a natural sweetness and a vibrant hue. To use strawberry powder for your pet food, you can simply sprinkle it on top of your pet’s regular food, or mix it with some water, broth, or yogurt, and adjust the amount according to your pet’s size and preference.

You can also use it to make your own dog treats or cat food, by mixing it with some flour, eggs, peanut butter, or tuna, and baking them in the oven. Strawberry powder can make your pet’s food more appealing and appetizing, as well as more nutritious and delicious. To use strawberry powder for your dietary supplements, you can simply add it to your capsules, tablets, powders, or liquids, and adjust the amount according to your dosage and preference. You can also use it to make your own dietary supplements, by mixing it with some gelatin, honey, or vinegar, and molding them into shapes. Strawberry powder can make your supplements more effective and enjoyable, as well as more natural and organic.

FruitBuys Vietnam 3. More Than Just Powder_ FruitBuys Vietnam Your Partner In Ruby Perfection

V. FruitBuys Vietnam: Your Trusted Partner for Premium Strawberry Powder

If you are looking for the best quality and service for your strawberry powder needs, look no further than FruitBuys Vietnam. FruitBuys Vietnam is a leading supplier of freeze dried fruit and dried fruit snacks in Vietnam. We specialize in producing premium strawberry powder, using only the freshest strawberries, the most advanced technology, and the strictest quality control. We also offer comprehensive services, competitive prices, and fast delivery, to help you succeed in the global e-commerce market. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose FruitBuys Vietnam for your strawberry powder journey:

*Freshness Reigns Supreme: We Source only the Ripest Strawberries and Adhere to Stringent Standards

At FruitBuys Vietnam, we believe that the quality of our strawberry powder depends on the quality of our strawberries. That’s why we source only the ripest and juiciest strawberries from sustainable farms in Vietnam, where they are grown organically and naturally. We hand-pick our strawberries at the peak of their freshness and flavor, and transport them to our factory as quickly as possible, to preserve their nutrients, color, and taste. At our factory, we adhere to stringent quality control measures, to ensure that our strawberry powder meets the highest standards of quality and safety.

We use advanced technology and equipment, such as spray drying, atomization, and quality testing, to transform our strawberries into fine particles, while retaining their nutrients, color, and flavor. We also follow strict food safety certifications, such as HACCP, ISO, and GMP, and undergo third-party audits, to ensure that our strawberry powder is safe, hygienic, and compliant with international regulations.

*Sustainability at Our Core: Minimizing Our Footprint and Empowering Local Communities

At FruitBuys Vietnam, we care not only about our products, but also about our planet and our people. That’s why we strive to minimize our environmental footprint and empower our local communities, through our sustainable and ethical practices. We use solar power, water conservation, and waste reduction techniques, to reduce our energy consumption, water usage, and carbon emissions. We also support fair trade, community empowerment, and ethical sourcing initiatives, to improve the livelihoods, education, and well-being of our farmers, workers, and partners. By choosing FruitBuys Vietnam, you are not only getting the best quality and service for your strawberry powder, but also contributing to a better world for everyone.

*Global Reach and Reliable Logistics for Seamless Delivery

At FruitBuys Vietnam, we understand that time is money, and that you want to receive your strawberry powder as soon as possible, without any hassle or delay. That’s why we offer global reach and reliable logistics for seamless delivery, to ensure that your strawberry powder arrives at your doorstep in perfect condition and on time. We offer two types of delivery services, depending on your needs and preferences:

  • International express delivery services: This is the fastest and most convenient way to get your strawberry powder, as it allows you to send goods to over 220 countries and territories worldwide within 5 to 9 working days. You can choose from various courier companies, such as DHL, FedEx, UPS, or TNT, and enjoy their competitive rates, insurance coverage, and customer service. You can also track your shipment’s status online 24/7, through the tracking system provided by FruitBuys Vietnam.
  • Cargo shipping solutions: This is the most economical and flexible way to get your strawberry powder, as it allows you to send goods to over 500 seaports in 200+ countries and territories globally within 2 to 6 weeks. You can choose from various shipping options, such as FCL (full container load), LCL (less than container load), or air freight, and enjoy their low prices, high capacity, and customization. You can also track your shipment’s status online 24/7, through the tracking system provided by FruitBuys Vietnam.

No matter which delivery service you choose, you can rest assured that your strawberry powder will be packed securely and professionally, to prevent any damage, leakage, or contamination during transit. You can also rely on our logistics team, who will help you complete all the necessary procedures, such as document preparation, customs declaration, tax payment, and customs clearance, to make your import and export process quick and simple. We also have good relationships with customs authorities and related units, to help you save time and costs during customs procedures.

FruitBuys Vietnam Shipping (1)

*Dive Deeper with FruitBuys Vietnam’s Comprehensive Services:

At FruitBuys Vietnam, we are more than just a supplier of strawberry powder. We are also a partner and a consultant, who can provide you with comprehensive and effective business solutions, to help you grow and succeed in the global e-commerce market. We offer various services, such as:

  • OEM Services: If you want to create your own brand of strawberry powder, we can help you with that. We offer OEM services, which include analysis, product testing, packaging design and printing, and label printing, according to your requirements. We have a spacious factory system and modern production technology machinery, ensuring safety and good quality for your products. We also have diverse certifications to suit your product types and countries. We ensure that your products will reflect your brand identity and vision, and appeal to your target customers.
  • Expertise at your Fingertips: If you need any advice or support regarding your strawberry powder business, we can help you with that. We have a team of professional and experienced staff, who can provide you with expertise and guidance on various aspects of your business, such as market research, product development, marketing strategy, pricing strategy, customer service, and more. We also have a network of contacts and resources, who can help you with your business opportunities and challenges. We are always ready to share our knowledge and experience with you, and help you achieve your business goals.
  • Competitive Pricing and Flexible Payment Options: If you want to get the best value for your money, we can help you with that. We offer competitive pricing and flexible payment options for our strawberry powder and services, to suit your budget and preference. We offer various discounts and incentives, such as bulk order discounts, loyalty discounts, referral discounts, and seasonal discounts, to help you save more and earn more. We also offer various payment methods, such as bank transfer, credit card, PayPal, or cash on delivery, to make your payment process easy and convenient. We are always transparent and fair with our pricing and payment policies, and we never charge any hidden fees or commissions.
  • Unwavering Commitment to Quality: If you want to get the best quality and service for your strawberry powder, we can help you with that. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality and service standards, from the sourcing of our strawberries, to the production of our powder, to the delivery of your order. We use only the freshest strawberries, the most advanced technology, and the strictest quality control measures, to ensure that our strawberry powder meets your expectations and needs. We also provide you with comprehensive services, such as OEM, expertise, and logistics, to help you grow and succeed in your business. We are always responsive and attentive to your feedback and requests, and we strive to exceed your satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Partner with FruitBuys Vietnam for Your Strawberry Powder Journey: If you are ready to unleash the potential of strawberry powder, we invite you to partner with us for your strawberry powder journey. We are more than just a supplier of strawberry powder. We are also a partner and a consultant, who can co-create with you, communicate with you, and support you in your success. We are passionate about strawberry powder, and we want to share our passion with you. We are confident that you will love our strawberry powder, and we want to help you share it with the world. We are excited to join you on your strawberry powder journey, and we look forward to working with you.

VI. Conclusion

Strawberry powder is a superfood powerhouse that can boost your health, enhance your beauty, and elevate your cuisine. It is made from fresh strawberries that are spray dried into fine particles, preserving their nutrients, color, and flavor. It is a versatile and creative ingredient that can be used in various applications, from baking to smoothies, from sauces to cosmetics, and from pet food to supplements. It is also a natural and organic product that is safe, hygienic, and compliant with international regulations.

If you are looking for the best quality and service for your strawberry powder needs, look no further than FruitBuys Vietnam. FruitBuys Vietnam is a leading supplier of freeze dried fruit and dried fruit snacks in Vietnam. We specialize in producing premium strawberry powder, using only the ripest strawberries, the most advanced technology, and the strictest quality control. We also offer comprehensive services, competitive prices, and fast delivery, to help you succeed in the global e-commerce market.

We invite you to partner with us for your strawberry powder journey, and experience the amazing features, benefits, and uses of strawberry powder. Contact us today for advice and quick quotations. Contact us via WhatsApp +84-919 739 589 or email us at support@fruitbuys.com. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

FruitBuys Vietnam 7. Your Trusted Partner For Success_ Why Partner With FruitBuys Vietnam

VII. FAQs-People also ask:

What is spray drying and why is it used for strawberry powder?

  • Spray drying is a process that transforms a liquid into a dry powder by atomizing it into fine droplets and exposing them to hot air. Spray drying is used for strawberry powder because it preserves the nutrients, color, and flavor of the fresh fruit, while reducing the moisture content and increasing the shelf life.

What are the benefits of strawberry powder?

  • Strawberry powder is a superfood that contains high amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. It can boost the immune system, protect against free radicals, aid digestion, and promote gut health. It can also be used as a natural sweetener, a baking ingredient, a food coloring, and a cosmetic product.

How to use strawberry powder?

  • Strawberry powder can be used in various ways, such as adding it to smoothies, yogurt, granola, oatmeal, cakes, cookies, muffins, pastries, frosting, icing, beverages, sauces, marinades, dips, salad dressings, and even savory dishes. It can also be applied to the skin as a mask, a scrub, or a blush.

How to make strawberry powder at home?

  • To make strawberry powder at home, you need fresh strawberries, a dehydrator or an oven, and a blender or a food processor. First, wash, hull, and slice the strawberries. Then, place them on the dehydrator trays or the oven racks, making sure they do not overlap or touch. Dehydrate them at 125°F / 52°C for 6-10 hours, or until they are dry and leathery. Finally, blend or process them into a fine powder and store it in an airtight container.

Where to buy strawberry powder?

  • Strawberry powder can be bought online or in some health food stores, specialty shops, or farmers’ markets. However, not all strawberry powders are created equal. Some may contain added sugar, preservatives, or artificial flavors and colors. Therefore, it is important to check the label and the ingredients before buying. Alternatively, you can buy premium strawberry powder from FruitBuys Vietnam, a leading supplier of freeze dried fruit and dried fruit snacks in Vietnam. They offer high-quality products, competitive prices, and fast shipping.

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Strawberry Powder Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts
Per 15 (2 tbsp)

Amount % Daily Value*
Calories 55
Total Fat 0g 0%
Saturated Fat 0g 0%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 2mg 0%
Potassium 135mg 3%
Total Carbohydrate 13g 4%
Dietary Fiber 2g 8%
Sugars 9g
Protein 1g 2%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

*The provided nutritional parameters are intended for reference purposes only. It is recommended that you reach out directly to your nutritionist for a personalized consultation.

Specifications of Strawberry Powder

Property Details
Product Name Strawberry Powder
HS Code 08109099
Origin Vietnam
Ingredient 100% Strawberry
Special Features – Nature’s Nutrient-Rich – Long shelf life – Versatility – Convenience – Easy to use – Lightweight and portable – Delicious flavor like fresh Strawberry
Certification FDA/HACCP/ISO/CO/Phytosanitary/Test report/Nutrition facts
Container Capacity 250 cartons/20ft, 550 cartons/40ft
Packing 50 x 40 x 40 cm/20 kg
Shelf Life 24 months
Use – Breakfast Boost- Smoothies and Beverages- Baking and Desserts- Savory Creations, or recipes for any occasion
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