Dried Soursop Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $5.79.Current price is: $5.29./ 100g (3.5 oz)

Have you ever tasted the sunshine? If you have tried soursop, you might have an idea of what we mean. Soursop, also known as graviola, guanabana, or custard apple, is a tropical fruit with a creamy white flesh and a sweet and sour flavor that is reminiscent of pineapple, strawberry, and citrus. It is a popular ingredient in smoothies, juices, ice creams, and desserts in many parts of the world, especially in Southeast Asia, where it grows abundantly.

But what if you could enjoy the taste of soursop anytime, anywhere, without worrying about its seasonality, availability, or freshness? What if you could capture the essence of this exotic fruit in a convenient and versatile form that can be used in a variety of ways? What if you could unleash the nutritional benefits of soursop in every bite, sip, or scoop? That’s where dried soursop powder comes in. Dried soursop powder is a product that transforms fresh soursop pulp into a fine, golden powder that retains the flavor, aroma, color, and nutrients of the fruit.

FruitBuys Vietnam Dried Soursop Powder (Spray Drying)
Dried Soursop Powder (Spray Drying)

It is made using a process called spray drying, which involves atomizing the pulp into tiny droplets and drying them with hot air in a matter of seconds. The result is a high-quality powder that can be stored for a long time and used in various applications.At FruitBuys Vietnam, we are proud to be one of the leading suppliers of dried soursop powder in Vietnam. We have been in the fruit export industry for over seven years, and we have a passion for sourcing the best dried fruit and helping our customers achieve success in the global e-commerce market.

We offer a wide range of products, services, and solutions to meet your needs and expectations. Whether you are a food manufacturer, a nutraceutical company, a cosmetic brand, or a retailer, we have something for you. In this article, we will take you on a journey of discovery and show you why dried soursop powder is a flavor game-changer, a nutritional powerhouse, and a business opportunity. We will also reveal the secrets behind our spray-drying technology, our quality standards, our sustainability practices, and our OEM services. We will show you how we can help you grow your business with sustainable sunshine.

I. Capturing the Tropics in Every Bite: Why Dried Soursop Powder is a Flavor Game-Changer

*Beyond the Smoothie Bowl: Culinary Adventures Await with Soursop Powder’s Tangy Versatility

If you think that soursop powder is only good for making smoothies, think again. Soursop powder is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many other ways to add a tropical twist to your dishes. Whether you are a home cook or a professional chef, you can experiment with soursop powder and unleash your creativity in the kitchen. One of the most popular uses of soursop powder is baking. You can use it to make cakes, muffins, cookies, pies, and other baked goods that will delight your taste buds with their tangy and sweet flavor.

Soursop powder can also act as a natural food coloring, giving your desserts a vibrant yellow hue that will make them stand out. But soursop powder is not limited to baking. You can also use it to make sauces, dressings, marinades, jams, and spreads that will enhance the flavor of your savory dishes. You can pair soursop powder with chicken, fish, pork, or tofu for a refreshing and delicious meal. You can also mix soursop powder with yogurt, cream cheese, or butter for a creamy and fruity dip or spread.

FruitBuys Vietnam Strawberry Powder (1)

Soursop powder can also be used to make beverages, such as teas, lemonades, cocktails, and mocktails. You can simply add some soursop powder to water, ice, and sugar for a refreshing drink, or you can combine it with other fruits, herbs, and spices for a more complex and exotic flavor. You can also add some soursop powder to milk, yogurt, or ice cream for a creamy and smooth treat. As you can see, soursop powder is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many ways to create culinary adventures. You can use it to add a tropical touch to your classic recipes, or you can use it to create new and innovative dishes that will impress your guests. With soursop powder, the possibilities are endless.

*Unlocking the Powerhouse Within: Soursop Powder – A Nutritional Treasure Trove Disguised as Sunshine

Soursop powder is not only a flavor game-changer, but also a nutritional powerhouse. Soursop powder is rich in vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals that can boost your health and wellness. Here are some of the benefits of soursop powder:

  • Vitamin C: Soursop powder is an excellent source of vitamin C, which is essential for your immune system, skin health, wound healing, and collagen synthesis. Vitamin C also helps to protect your cells from oxidative stress and free radical damage, which can cause aging and chronic diseases. One tablespoon of soursop powder provides about 20% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C.
  • Fiber: Soursop powder is also high in fiber, which is important for your digestive health, blood sugar regulation, cholesterol management, and weight control. Fiber helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied, prevents constipation and diarrhea, lowers your blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and reduces your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. One tablespoon of soursop powder provides about 4 grams of fiber, which is 16% of your daily recommended intake.
  • Antioxidants: Soursop powder is loaded with antioxidants, such as flavonoids, phenols, and acetogenins, which have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-microbial properties. Antioxidants help to fight inflammation, which is linked to many chronic diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Antioxidants also help to prevent or slow down the growth of cancer cells, by inducing apoptosis (cell death) or inhibiting angiogenesis (blood vessel formation). Antioxidants also help to kill or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites, which can cause infections and diseases.
  • Natural health supplement: Soursop powder can also act as a natural health supplement, as it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat various ailments, such as pain, fever, cough, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Soursop powder can also help to improve your mood, energy, and mental clarity, by stimulating the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that regulate your emotions, motivation, and cognition.

As you can see, soursop powder is a nutritional treasure trove disguised as sunshine. It can provide you with many health benefits, such as boosting your immune system, improving your digestion, lowering your blood sugar and cholesterol, fighting inflammation and cancer, and enhancing your mood and energy. By adding soursop powder to your diet, you can unlock the powerhouse within and enjoy a healthier and happier life.

FruitBuys Vietnam _1. Capturing The Tropics In Every Bite Why Dried Soursop Powder Is A Flavor Game Changer

II. The Science of Sweetness: Unraveling the Magic of Spray-Dried Soursop Powder

*From Pulp to Powder: Witnessing the Art of Atomization Transform Soursop into a Fine Mist

  • Spray drying process: Spray drying is a method of converting liquid or semi-solid materials into dry powder by spraying them into a stream of hot air.
  • Atomization technology: Atomization is the process of breaking up the liquid into tiny droplets that form a fine mist. This increases the surface area of the liquid and allows for faster and more even drying.
  • Mist formation: The mist of soursop pulp is created by passing it through a high-pressure nozzle or a rotating disk. The size and shape of the droplets depend on the type and speed of the atomizer, as well as the viscosity and concentration of the pulp.
  • Efficient drying: The mist of soursop pulp is exposed to hot air in a drying chamber, where the water evaporates and the solid particles remain. The powder is then collected by a cyclone or a filter at the bottom of the chamber. The whole process takes only a few seconds, making it very efficient and energy-saving.

*Finding the Perfect Balance: Striking the Right Chord of Temperature and Time for Optimal Quality

  • Drying temperature optimization: The drying temperature is one of the most important factors that affect the quality of the spray-dried soursop powder. Too high a temperature can cause browning, loss of flavor, and degradation of nutrients. Too low a temperature can result in incomplete drying, clumping, and microbial growth. The optimal temperature depends on the characteristics of the soursop pulp, such as its sugar content, acidity, and pH level.
  • Hot air interaction: The hot air that is used to dry the soursop mist can be either co-current or counter-current. Co-current means that the air and the mist move in the same direction, while counter-current means that they move in opposite directions. Co-current drying is faster and more uniform, but it can also cause more heat damage to the powder. Counter-current drying is slower and less uniform, but it can preserve more of the flavor and nutrients of the powder.
  • Moisture removal: The moisture content of the spray-dried soursop powder is another key factor that affects its quality. Too much moisture can cause caking, stickiness, and spoilage. Too little moisture can cause brittleness, dustiness, and poor solubility. The ideal moisture content depends on the intended use and storage of the powder, as well as the ambient humidity and temperature. Generally, the moisture content should be between 3% and 5% for most applications.
  • Quality control: Quality control is essential to ensure that the spray-dried soursop powder meets the desired standards of appearance, flavor, aroma, texture, color, nutrient content, and shelf life. Quality control measures include sampling, testing, monitoring, and adjusting the parameters of the spray drying process, such as the temperature, pressure, flow rate, and atomization speed. Quality control also involves inspecting, sorting, and packaging the final product, as well as storing and transporting it under proper conditions.

FruitBuys Vietnam 2. The Science Of Sweetness_ Unraveling The Magic Of Spray Dried Soursop Powder

III. Quality Uncompromised: Why FruitBuys Vietnam Sets the Standard for Dried Soursop Powder

*Freshness Reigns Supreme: We Source Only the Ripest Soursop and Adhere to Stringent Quality Control

  • Highest quality standards: At FruitBuys Vietnam, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality spray-dried soursop powder available on the market1. We adhere to the strictest quality standards and follow the best practices of the industry. We are certified by ISO 9001, HACCP, and HALAL, and we comply with the regulations of the FDA, USDA, and EU.
  • Fresh fruits: We source only the freshest and ripest soursop fruits from our trusted and verified suppliers in Vietnam. We select the fruits based on their size, shape, color, and ripeness, and we inspect them for any defects, damages, or diseases. We wash, peel, and core the fruits, and then we blend them into a smooth and homogeneous pulp. We do not add any sugar, preservatives, or artificial flavors to our soursop pulp, ensuring that it retains its natural sweetness and tanginess.
  • Strict quality control: We apply strict quality control measures throughout the entire spray drying process, from the pulp preparation to the powder packaging. We monitor and adjust the temperature, pressure, flow rate, and atomization speed of the spray dryer to ensure optimal drying conditions. We test the moisture content, particle size, bulk density, solubility, and water activity of the spray-dried soursop powder to ensure that it meets our specifications. We also check the color, flavor, aroma, and nutrient content of the powder to ensure that it matches our expectations. We pack the powder in airtight and moisture-proof bags or containers, and we label them with the batch number, production date, and expiration date. We store and transport the powder in cool and dry places, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

*Sustainability at Our Core: Minimizing Our Footprint and Empowering Communities

  • Sustainable practices: At FruitBuys Vietnam, we are not only concerned about the quality of our products, but also the impact of our operations on the environment and society. We adopt sustainable practices that aim to minimize our ecological footprint and maximize our social benefits. We use renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to power our spray drying facilities. We recycle the water and the heat that are generated during the spray drying process. We reduce our waste and emissions by using biodegradable packaging materials and complying with the environmental standards. We also support the local farmers and communities by buying their fruits at fair prices and providing them with training and technical assistance.
  • Environmental responsibility: We recognize that our business depends on the health and well-being of the environment, and we take our responsibility to protect and preserve it seriously. We source our soursop fruits from organic and sustainable farms that do not use harmful pesticides or fertilizers. We use natural and gentle methods to process and dry our fruits, without adding any chemicals or additives. We use eco-friendly and energy-efficient equipment and machinery to reduce our carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions. We also participate in various environmental initiatives and campaigns, such as tree planting, waste management, and biodiversity conservation.
  • Ethical sourcing: We believe that our business should not only benefit us, but also the people and communities that we work with. We practice ethical sourcing by ensuring that our soursop fruits are grown and harvested in a humane and respectful manner, respecting the rights and dignity of the farmers and workers. We pay them fair and competitive wages, and we provide them with safe and healthy working conditions. We also support their social and economic development by offering them access to education, health care, and financial services. We also respect the culture and traditions of the local communities, and we seek to foster long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with them.

IV. Beyond the Product: Why FruitBuys Vietnam is Your Partner in Soursop Powder Success

*Logistics Made Easy: Reach Customers Worldwide with Our Express Delivery Solutions in 5-9 Days

  • International express delivery: At FruitBuys Vietnam, we understand that time is money, and that you want to receive your order as soon as possible. That is why we offer international express delivery solutions that can deliver your spray-dried soursop powder to your doorstep in 5-9 days, depending on your location and customs clearance. We work with reliable and reputable courier companies, such as DHL, FedEx, and UPS, to ensure that your order is handled with care and speed. We also provide you with a tracking number and a tracking link, so that you can monitor the status and location of your order at any time.
  • Fast shipping: We pride ourselves on our fast and efficient shipping process, which ensures that your order is dispatched within 24 hours after we receive your payment confirmation. We pack your order securely and carefully, using high-quality and sturdy packaging materials, such as cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, and foam peanuts. We label your order clearly and accurately, with your name, address, phone number, and invoice number. We also attach the necessary documents, such as the commercial invoice, the packing list, and the certificate of origin, to facilitate the customs clearance process. We ship your order by air, using the fastest and most convenient route available, to minimize the transit time and the risk of damage or loss.
  • Global reach: We are proud to say that we have customers from all over the world, who trust and love our spray-dried soursop powder. We can ship our products to any country or region that allows the import of dried fruit products, and we can handle the customs formalities and regulations of each destination. We have experience and expertise in dealing with different markets and cultures, and we can adapt our products and services to meet your specific needs and preferences. We can also provide you with advice and guidance on how to market and sell our products in your local area, and how to overcome any challenges or difficulties that you may encounter.

*Cost-Effective Solutions for Every Need: Choose from Our Cargo Shipping Options to Connect with Over 500 Seaports Globally in 2-6 Weeks

  • Cargo shipping: If you are looking for a more economical and flexible way to order our spray-dried soursop powder in bulk, you can choose from our cargo shipping options, which can connect you with over 500 seaports globally in 2-6 weeks, depending on your location and customs clearance. We work with reliable and reputable shipping companies, such as Maersk, MSC, and COSCO, to ensure that your order is handled with care and efficiency. We also provide you with a bill of lading and a tracking number, so that you can monitor the status and location of your order at any time.
  • Sea freight: We offer different types of sea freight services, such as full container load (FCL), less than container load (LCL), and break bulk cargo, to suit your needs and preferences. You can choose the size and type of container that best fits your order, such as 20ft, 40ft, or 45ft, and dry, reefer, or open top. You can also choose the shipping terms that best suit your budget and convenience, such as EXW, FOB, CIF, or DDP. We can also help you with the customs clearance and documentation of your destination country, as well as the inland transportation and delivery of your order to your warehouse or store.
  • Global reach: We have a wide network of partners and agents around the world, who can help us to ship our products to any country or region that allows the import of dried fruit products, and we can handle the customs formalities and regulations of each destination. We have experience and expertise in dealing with different markets and cultures, and we can adapt our products and services to meet your specific needs and preferences. We can also provide you with advice and guidance on how to market and sell our products in your local area, and how to overcome any challenges or difficulties that you may encounter.
  • Cost-effective solutions: We offer competitive and transparent pricing for our cargo shipping services, which include the freight cost, the insurance cost, the handling fee, and the surcharge. We do not charge any hidden or extra fees, and we do not impose any minimum order quantity or value. We also offer discounts and incentives for bulk orders and long-term contracts. We strive to provide you with the most cost-effective solutions for your business, without compromising on the quality and safety of our products.

FruitBuys Vietnam Shipping (1)

V. Tailor-Made for Your Business: Unleashing the Power of FruitBuys Vietnam’s OEM Services

*Branding Your Brilliance: Design and Printing Solutions to Make Your Soursop Powder Stand Out

  • Packaging and printing: At FruitBuys Vietnam, we know that packaging is not just a container, but a powerful marketing tool that can make or break your brand. That is why we offer packaging and printing solutions that can make your soursop powder stand out from the crowd. We can design and print customized packaging for your soursop powder, such as bags, boxes, pouches, cans, or jars, using high-quality and eco-friendly materials, such as paper, plastic, metal, or glass. We can also print your logo, name, slogan, and other information on the packaging, using attractive and eye-catching fonts, colors, and graphics. We can also create labels, stickers, and seals for your packaging, to enhance your brand identity and credibility.
  • Design and branding: We have a team of professional and creative designers, who can help you create a unique and memorable brand for your soursop powder. We can help you with the logo design, the color scheme, the typography, the imagery, and the overall style of your brand. We can also help you with the brand strategy, the brand positioning, the brand personality, and the brand story. We can help you communicate your brand values, vision, mission, and goals to your target audience, and create a strong and lasting impression on them.
  • Customized packaging: We understand that every customer has different needs and preferences, and that one size does not fit all. That is why we offer customized packaging solutions that can cater to your specific requirements and expectations. You can choose the size, shape, type, and material of your packaging, as well as the design and printing options. You can also choose the quantity and the delivery time of your packaging, as well as the shipping method and the destination. We can also provide you with samples and prototypes of your packaging, before you place your final order, to ensure your satisfaction and approval.
  • Shelf appeal: We know that in today’s competitive and crowded market, shelf appeal is crucial for your success. You want your soursop powder to catch the attention and interest of your potential customers, and to persuade them to buy your product. That is why we design and print packaging that has a high shelf appeal, that is, packaging that is attractive, distinctive, informative, and persuasive. We use elements such as colors, shapes, images, fonts, and symbols, to create packaging that can convey your brand message, highlight your product features and benefits, and evoke positive emotions and associations. We also use techniques such as contrast, alignment, balance, and hierarchy, to create packaging that is easy to read, understand, and remember. We also consider factors such as the placement, the lighting, and the context of your packaging, to ensure that it stands out and shines on the shelf.

*Quality from the Inside Out: Product Analysis and Testing to Ensure Unsurpassed Safety and Efficacy

  • Product analysis: At FruitBuys Vietnam, we do not compromise on the quality and safety of our products. We conduct rigorous and comprehensive product analysis, to ensure that our soursop powder meets the highest standards of quality and safety. We analyze the physical, chemical, and microbiological properties of our soursop powder, such as the moisture content, the pH level, the acidity, the ash content, the total soluble solids, the total plate count, the yeast and mold count, the coliform count, and the pathogen count. We also analyze the nutritional and functional properties of our soursop powder, such as the vitamin C content, the fiber content, the antioxidant activity, the anti-inflammatory activity, and the anti-cancer activity. We use advanced and reliable equipment and methods, such as spectrophotometry, chromatography, microscopy, and titration, to perform our product analysis.
  • Testing: We also conduct thorough and extensive testing, to ensure that our soursop powder meets the expectations and requirements of our customers and the regulations of the destination countries. We test the sensory attributes of our soursop powder, such as the color, the flavor, the aroma, the texture, and the solubility. We also test the stability and shelf life of our soursop powder, such as the water activity, the hygroscopicity, the caking, and the browning. We also test the compatibility and performance of our soursop powder with different applications and formulations, such as baking, beverages, sauces, and supplements. We use standardized and objective methods and criteria, such as scales, scores, ratings, and indices, to perform our testing.
  • Safety standards: We comply with the safety standards and regulations of the countries and regions that we export our products to, such as the FDA, the USDA, the EU, and the HALAL. We follow the good manufacturing practices (GMP), the good hygiene practices (GHP), and the hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) principles, to ensure that our products are safe and free from any contaminants, adulterants, or allergens. We also obtain the necessary certifications and permits, such as the certificate of analysis, the certificate of origin, the health certificate, and the phytosanitary certificate, to prove the safety and quality of our products.
  • Quality assurance: We have a quality assurance system that monitors and controls every aspect of our production and delivery process, from the raw material sourcing to the final product packaging. We have a quality assurance team that consists of qualified and experienced staff, who are responsible for inspecting, verifying, and validating the quality and safety of our products. We also have a quality assurance laboratory, where we perform our product analysis and testing. We also have a quality assurance policy, where we state our quality objectives, standards, and procedures. We also have a quality assurance feedback mechanism, where we collect and analyze the feedback and complaints from our customers, and take corrective and preventive actions to improve our products and services.

VI. Embrace the Soursop Sunshine: Join FruitBuys Vietnam on a Journey of Flavor and Success

*Let’s Talk: Unlocking Your Soursop Powder Vision with FruitBuys Vietnam

  • Personalized consultation: At FruitBuys Vietnam, we are more than just a supplier of soursop powder. We are your partner in soursop powder success. We want to help you achieve your goals and dreams, and we want to share our passion and expertise with you. That is why we offer personalized consultation services, where we listen to your needs and preferences, and we provide you with customized solutions and recommendations. We can help you with any aspect of your soursop powder business, such as product development, market research, pricing strategy, distribution channel, promotion plan, and customer service. We can also help you with any challenges or difficulties that you may face, such as competition, regulation, or innovation. We are always ready and willing to talk to you, and to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
  • Custom solutions: We understand that every customer is unique, and that every market is different. That is why we offer custom solutions that can fit your specific requirements and expectations. We can customize our products, services, and solutions, to suit your needs and preferences. We can customize the size, shape, type, and material of your packaging, as well as the design and printing options. We can also customize the quantity and the delivery time of your order, as well as the shipping method and the destination. We can also customize the quality and safety standards of your soursop powder, as well as the nutritional and functional properties. We can also customize the price and the payment terms of your order, as well as the discounts and incentives. We can also customize the support and assistance that we provide you, such as the advice, guidance, and training. We can also customize the feedback and evaluation that we collect from you, such as the surveys, reviews, and testimonials.
  • Collaborative innovation: We believe that innovation is the key to success, and that collaboration is the key to innovation. That is why we offer collaborative innovation services, where we work with you to create new and improved products, services, and solutions, that can meet the changing needs and demands of the market. We can help you with the research and development of your soursop powder products, such as the formulation, the testing, and the optimization. We can also help you with the marketing and sales of your soursop powder products, such as the branding, the positioning, and the differentiation. We can also help you with the customer service and retention of your soursop powder products, such as the loyalty, the satisfaction, and the referral. We can also help you with the future planning and forecasting of your soursop powder products, such as the trends, the opportunities, and the threats. We can also help you with the continuous improvement and learning of your soursop powder products, such as the feedback, the analysis, and the action.
  • Business growth: We are not satisfied with just providing you with high-quality products and services. We want to help you grow your business and achieve your full potential. We want to help you increase your sales and profits, expand your market share and reach, enhance your brand awareness and reputation, and strengthen your customer loyalty and retention. We want to help you create a loyal and satisfied customer base, who will buy your products repeatedly and recommend them to others. We want to help you create a competitive and sustainable advantage, that will set you apart from your rivals and make you a leader in your industry. We want to help you create a lasting and meaningful impact, that will benefit not only you, but also your customers, your partners, and your community.

*Beyond the Scoop: FruitBuys Vietnam – Your Innovation Catalyst

  • Soursop powder trends: We are always on the lookout for the latest trends and developments in the soursop powder industry, and we share them with you to help you stay ahead of the curve. We keep track of the consumer preferences, the market demands, the product innovations, and the technological advancements, that shape the future of the soursop powder industry. We also conduct our own research and analysis, to identify the opportunities and challenges, the strengths and weaknesses, and the threats and risks, that affect the soursop powder industry. We use this information to guide our strategic decisions and actions, and to provide you with valuable insights and recommendations.
  • Market insights: We have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the soursop powder market, and we share it with you to help you make informed and smart choices. We know the size, growth, segmentation, and competition of the soursop powder market, and we know the drivers, barriers, and trends that influence it. We also know the needs, wants, expectations, and behaviors of the soursop powder consumers, and we know the factors that affect their purchase decisions and loyalty. We use this knowledge to help you identify and target your ideal customers, and to create and deliver products and services that meet and exceed their needs and wants.
  • Research and development: We have a strong and dedicated research and development team, who are constantly working to create new and improved products, services, and solutions, that can satisfy the changing needs and demands of the soursop powder market. We use the latest and best scientific methods and technologies, such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, to enhance the quality and performance of our soursop powder products. We also use the most innovative and creative approaches and techniques, such as design thinking, lean startup, and agile development, to develop and test our soursop powder products. We also collaborate with other experts and institutions, such as universities, research centers, and industry associations, to exchange ideas and knowledge, and to access resources and facilities.
  • Future-proof solutions: We are always looking ahead and anticipating the future needs and demands of the soursop powder market, and we provide you with solutions that can help you prepare and adapt to them. We help you to forecast and plan for the future scenarios and trends, that may affect the soursop powder industry, such as the environmental, social, economic, and political changes, the technological innovations, and the consumer preferences. We also help you to design and implement solutions that can help you to cope and thrive in the future soursop powder market, such as the product diversification, the market expansion, the digital transformation, and the sustainability integration.

*Join the FruitBuys Vietnam Family: Grow Your Business with Sustainable Sunshine

  • Ethical sourcing: We are not only a supplier of soursop powder, but also a member of the soursop family. We care about the soursop farmers and workers, who grow and harvest the soursop fruits that we use to make our soursop powder. We treat them with respect and dignity, and we pay them fair and competitive wages. We also provide them with safe and healthy working conditions, and we protect them from any exploitation or abuse. We also support their social and economic development, by offering them access to education, health care, and financial services. We also respect their culture and traditions, and we seek to foster long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with them.
  • Community impact: We are not only a business, but also a force for good. We care about the communities where we operate, and we contribute to their well-being and prosperity. We create jobs and opportunities for the local people, and we support their livelihoods and incomes. We also support their social and environmental causes, such as the education, health, and welfare of the children, the women, and the elderly, the conservation and restoration of the natural resources and habitats, and the promotion and preservation of the cultural heritage and diversity. We also participate in various community events and activities, such as the festivals, the celebrations, and the charities, and we donate our time, money, and products to them.
  • Environmentally conscious practices: We are not only a producer of soursop powder, but also a steward of the environment. We care about the impact of our operations on the environment, and we strive to minimize it. We use renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to power our facilities. We recycle the water and the heat that are generated during our production process. We reduce our waste and emissions, by using biodegradable packaging materials and complying with the environmental standards. We also source our soursop fruits from organic and sustainable farms, that do not use harmful pesticides or fertilizers. We also support the local biodiversity, by planting trees and flowers, and by protecting the wildlife and their habitats.

VII. Conclusion

We hope that this article has given you a clear and comprehensive overview of our spray-dried soursop powder, and why it is a flavor game-changer, a nutritional powerhouse, and a business opportunity. We also hope that this article has shown you why FruitBuys Vietnam is your partner in soursop powder success, and how we can help you grow your business with sustainable sunshine. If you are interested in our spray-dried soursop powder, or any of our other products, services, or solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

FruitBuys Vietnam 7. Your Trusted Partner For Success_ Why Partner With FruitBuys Vietnam

You can reach us by phone, email, or WhatsApp, and we will be happy to answer any questions or inquiries that you may have. You can also visit our website, where you can find more information and details about our products, services, and solutions, as well as our testimonials and reviews from our satisfied customers. We look forward to hearing from you soon, and to working with you on your soursop powder project.

We are confident that we can provide you with the best quality, price, and service, and that we can help you achieve your goals and dreams. Thank you for your time and attention, and for choosing FruitBuys Vietnam as your soursop powder supplier. We appreciate your trust and support, and we hope to build a long-lasting and fruitful relationship with you. Let’s embrace the soursop sunshine together, and join us on a journey of flavor and success.

VIII. FAQs-People also ask

What is soursop powder?

  • Soursop powder is a dried fruit product made from soursop, a tropical fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor. Soursop powder can be used as a natural food additive, a health supplement, or a cosmetic ingredient.

How is soursop powder made?

  • Soursop powder is made by spray drying, a process that transforms soursop pulp into a fine mist and then dries it with hot air. Spray drying preserves the flavor, aroma, color, and nutrients of soursop.

What are the benefits of soursop powder?

Where can I buy soursop powder?

How can I use soursop powder?

You can use soursop powder in various ways, such as:

  • Adding it to smoothies, juices, yogurt, ice cream, or oatmeal for a tropical twist.
  • Using it as a natural food coloring or flavoring for cakes, cookies, frosting, or other baked goods.
  • Mixing it with water or milk to make a refreshing soursop latte or tea.
  • Incorporating it into cosmetics or personal care products for its skin benefits and natural fragrance.
  • Sprinkling it over salads, granola, or popcorn for a crunchy and tangy snack.

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Freeze Dried Mangosteen Powder (Freeze Drying)

Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.50./ 100g (3.5 oz)

FruitBuys Vietnam Red Grape Powder (Spray Drying)

Red Grape Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $5.79.Current price is: $5.29./ 100g (3.5 oz)

FruitBuys Vietnam Pomegranate Powder (Spray Drying)

Pomegranate Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $6.35.Current price is: $5.89./ 100g (3.5 oz)

FruitBuys Vietnam Papaya Powder (Spray Drying)

Papaya Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $5.29./ 100g (3.5 oz)

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FruitBuys Vietnam W Freeze Dried Mangosteen Powder

Freeze Dried Mangosteen Powder (Freeze Drying)

Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.50./ 100g (3.5 oz)

FruitBuys Vietnam Red Grape Powder (Spray Drying)

Red Grape Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $5.79.Current price is: $5.29./ 100g (3.5 oz)

FruitBuys Vietnam Pomegranate Powder (Spray Drying)

Pomegranate Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $6.35.Current price is: $5.89./ 100g (3.5 oz)

FruitBuys Vietnam Papaya Powder (Spray Drying)

Papaya Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $5.29./ 100g (3.5 oz)

Get a Quotation for Wholesale Dried Fruit

Looking for high-quality wholesale dried fruit at competitive prices? FruitBuys Vietnam offers a wide range of delicious and nutritious dried fruits sourced directly from local farmers. Request a quotation today and discover the exceptional taste and freshness our products have to offer. Contact us now for the best deals on wholesale dried fruit!

Dried Soursop Powder Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts
Per 100g (~3.5 oz)

Amount % Daily Value*
Calories 148
Total Fat 0.7g 1%
Saturated Fat 0.1g 1%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 32mg 1%
Potassium 626mg 13%
Total Carbohydrate 37.8g 13%
Dietary Fiber 7.4g 30%
Sugars 30.5g
Protein 2.3g 5%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

*The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, but your specific values may vary. These guidelines are for reference only, consult a nutritionist for personalized advice.

Specifications of Dried Soursop Powder

Specification Details
Product Name Dried Soursop Powder
HS Code 08109099
Origin Vietnam
Ingredient 100% Soursop
Special Features – Nature’s Nutrient-Rich – Long shelf life – Versatility – Convenience – Easy to use – Lightweight and portable – Delicious flavor like fresh Soursop
Certification FDA/HACCP/ISO/CO/Phytosanitary/Test report/Nutrition facts
Container Capacity 250 cartons/20ft
Packing 50 x 40 x 40 cm/ 20 kg
Shelf Life 24 months
Use Breakfast Boost, Smoothies and Beverages, Baking and Desserts, Savory Creations, recipes for any occasion
Processing Method Spray Drying (SD)
Max. Moisture (%) 5%
Storage Instructions Preserve in a dry, cool place at a temperature of 20-30 degrees Celsius. Close the packaging after use, avoid products with an unpleasant odor, strange taste, or mold.
Guaranteed Gluten-free, Non-GMO, Vegan, no added sugar, unsulfured, no added additives or preservatives (Ochratoxin A, Aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1, G2), Metals (As, Pb, Cu), sulfite residues (SO2)
Sample Time 3-5 working days (depending on sample availability, exact delivery date will be confirmed)
Packaging Food-grade plastic and aluminum bags (3 layers of PET/AL/PE) or as per customer’s request. Retail: 50g/100g/250g/500g/1kg Bulk: 20-25kg/carton or according to customers’ request
Payment Terms T/T 40% production deposit, the rest 60% paid before delivery or copy B/L or sight L/C
Port of Loading Cat Lai Seaport, Tan Son Nhat Airport in Ho Chi Minh City
Shipping Method FOB, CIF, DDP (can be sent directly to Amazon FBA) by sea and air
Production Time Usually 15-20 days for a 20ft container (after receiving the deposit)
Additional OEM/ODM are welcome

Ready to experience the amazing benefits of Dried Soursop Powder? Look no further than FruitBuys Vietnam! Our premium quality, spray-dried Soursop Powder is packed with nutrients and bursting with flavor. Don’t miss out on this superfruit sensation – order yours now! Click here to shop our Dried Soursop Powder and enjoy the convenience of online ordering. Boost your health and wellbeing with just a few clicks! Hurry, limited stock available! Don’t wait any longer – reap the rewards of Soursop Powder today. Shop now and elevate your wellness journey with FruitBuys Vietnam!

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FruitBuys Vietnam W Freeze Dried Mangosteen Powder

Freeze Dried Mangosteen Powder (Freeze Drying)

Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.50./ 100g (3.5 oz)

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FruitBuys Vietnam Red Grape Powder (Spray Drying)

Red Grape Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $5.79.Current price is: $5.29./ 100g (3.5 oz)

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FruitBuys Vietnam Pomegranate Powder (Spray Drying)

Pomegranate Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $6.35.Current price is: $5.89./ 100g (3.5 oz)

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FruitBuys Vietnam Papaya Powder (Spray Drying)

Papaya Powder (Spray Drying)

Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $5.29./ 100g (3.5 oz)

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