How To Freeze Dry Durian The Ultimate Guide For Fruit Lovers And Business Owners

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Durian is a tropical fruit that has a distinctive smell, taste, and texture. Some people love it, some people hate it, but no one can deny its uniqueness. Durian is also known as the king of fruits because of its large size, spiky shell, and rich flavor. But durian is not easy to find, store, or transport. It has a short shelf life, a strong odor, and a high-water content. That’s why freeze-drying durian is a game-changer for the fruit industry. Freeze drying durian preserves its taste, texture, and nutritional value while making it easier to store and ship.

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In this article, we will show you how to freeze dry durian, why freeze drying durian is a game-changer, and how you can benefit from partnering with FruitBuys Vietnam, the professional wholesale supplier and exporter of premium dried fruits, freeze dried fruit, dry fruit powder, healthy snacks, exotic fruits, exotic snacks, veggie chips, vegan snacks, no sugar snacks, and low-sugar snacks with advanced drying technologies such as: Air Drying (AD), Freeze Drying (FD), Vacuum Frying (VF).

I. The Magic of Freeze Drying and Its Impact on the Fruit Industry

Freeze drying is a process that removes water from food by freezing it and then applying a vacuum to sublimate the ice crystals into vapor. This means that the food does not undergo any heat or chemical treatment that can alter its quality or flavor. Freeze drying also reduces the weight and volume of the food by up to 90%, making it easier to store and transport. Freeze drying is widely used in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and aerospace industries because of its ability to preserve the integrity and stability of sensitive materials. But freeze drying is not only for high-tech applications.

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It is also a great way to preserve fruits and vegetables that are otherwise perishable or difficult to handle. Freeze dried fruits are among the most popular products in the freeze drying industry. They have many advantages over fresh or conventional dried fruits. For example:

  • They retain their original shape, color, aroma, and flavor
  • They have a crunchy texture that is appealing to consumers
  • They have a longer shelf life and do not require refrigeration
  • They have a higher concentration of nutrients and antioxidants
  • They are easy to rehydrate and use in various recipes
  • They are free of additives, preservatives, or artificial colors

Freeze dried fruits are also ideal for consumers who are looking for healthy snacks that are low in calories, sugar, fat, and sodium. They are suitable for vegan, gluten-free, paleo, keto, and other diets. They are also perfect for people who have allergies or intolerances to certain fruits or ingredients.

Read more: Is Freeze Dried Fruit Good for You? The Positive and Negative Sides of Freeze-Dried Fruits

One of the most exotic and delicious fruits that can be freeze dried durian. Durian is a tropical fruit that grows in Southeast Asia. It has a spiky shell that protects its soft flesh and large seeds. Durian has a strong smell that can be either pleasant or unpleasant depending on one’s preference. Durian has a creamy texture and a sweet taste that resembles custard or cheese. Durian is rich in carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper.

Durian also contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, carotenoids, phenolic acids, sulfur compounds, and volatile organic compounds that have various health benefits such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anticancer, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, immunomodulatory, and aphrodisiac effects.

Read more: Health Benefits of Durian – Why You Should Try This Exotic Fruit

Freeze dried durian fruit is a product that combines the best of both worlds: the taste and nutrition of fresh durian with the convenience and shelf life of freeze dried fruit. Freeze dried durian fruit is an exotic snack that can satisfy your cravings for something sweet and creamy. It is also a vegan snack that can provide you with energy and nutrients. Freeze dried durian fruit is a product that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere, without worrying about the smell, the mess, or the waste.

Today, we will show you how to freeze dry durian, why freeze drying durian is a game-changer, and how you can benefit from partnering with FruitBuys Vietnam, the professional wholesale supplier and exporter of premium dried fruits, freeze dried fruit, dry fruit powder, healthy snacks, exotic fruits, exotic snacks, veggie chips, vegan snacks, no sugar snacks, and low-sugar snacks with advanced drying technologies such as: Air Drying (AD), Freeze Drying (FD), Vacuum Frying (VF).

II. The Science Behind Freeze Drying: A Deep Dive

Freeze drying is a process that involves three main steps: freezing, primary drying, and secondary drying. Let’s take a closer look at each step and how they affect the quality of freeze-dried durian.


The first step of freeze drying is freezing the food to form ice crystals. The freezing temperature and rate are important factors that determine the size and distribution of the ice crystals. The smaller and more uniform the ice crystals are, the better the quality of the freeze-dried product will be. This is because smaller ice crystals cause less damage to the cell walls and membranes of the food, resulting in less shrinkage and better retention of shape, color, flavor, and nutrients. There are two main methods of freezing food for freeze drying: slow freezing and fast freezing.

Slow freezing involves placing the food in a freezer at temperatures between -20°C and -40°C for several hours or days. This method produces large and irregular ice crystals that can rupture the cell walls and membranes of the food, causing loss of quality. Fast freezing involves exposing the food to very low temperatures between -50°C and -196°C for a few minutes or seconds using liquid nitrogen, dry ice, or blast freezers.

This method produces small and uniform ice crystals that preserve the quality of the food. For freeze drying durian, fast freezing is the preferred method because it minimizes the damage to the delicate flesh and seeds of the fruit. Fast freezing also preserves the volatile compounds that give durian its unique aroma and flavor.

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*Primary Drying

The second step of freeze drying is primary drying or sublimation. This is where the frozen water in the food is removed by applying a vacuum and heat. The vacuum lowers the pressure around the food, allowing the ice crystals to sublimate directly into vapor without melting into liquid. The heat provides energy for the sublimation process to occur faster. The vapor is then collected by a condenser and removed from the system. The primary drying stage is the longest and most critical stage of freeze drying. It accounts for about 95% of the total water removal from the food.

The primary drying stage also determines the porosity and structure of the freeze-dried product. The higher the vacuum and heat applied, the faster the sublimation process will be, but also the more likely it will cause collapse or deformation of the food structure. For freeze drying durian, a moderate vacuum and heat are applied to ensure a balance between speed and quality. The vacuum should be between 0.01 mbar and 0.1 mbar, while the heat should be between 30°C and 40°C. These conditions allow for efficient water removal while maintaining the integrity and stability of the durian flesh and seeds.

*Secondary Drying

The third step of freeze drying is secondary drying or desorption. This is where the remaining water in the food is removed by applying higher heat. The remaining water is bound to the molecules of the food by hydrogen bonds or other forces. The higher heat breaks these bonds and releases the water as vapor. The vapor is then collected by a condenser and removed from the system. The secondary drying stage accounts for about 5% of the total water removal from the food.

The secondary drying stage also determines the moisture content and shelf life of the freeze dried product. The lower the moisture content, the longer the shelf life will be. For freeze drying durian, a high heat is applied to reduce the moisture content to below 5%. The heat should be between 50°C and 60°C. These conditions ensure a long shelf life for freeze dried durian while preventing browning or oxidation of the durian flesh and seeds.

III. Step-by-Step Guide: How to Freeze Dry Durian

Now that you know the science behind freeze drying, let’s see how to freeze dry durian in practice. Here are the steps involved:

  • Select fresh and ripe durians: The quality of the fresh durians will affect the quality of the freeze-dried durians. You want to choose durians that are fully ripe, have a strong smell, and have a firm and intact shell. You can use a knife to cut open the shell and check the flesh and seeds. The flesh should be yellow, soft & creamy, while the seeds should be brown, hard, and shiny. Avoid durians that are overripe, have a sour or fermented smell, or have a soft or cracked shell. These durians may have spoiled or been infected by insects or fungi.

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  • Wash and peel the durians: After selecting the fresh and ripe durians, you need to wash and peel them. You can use a large basin of water to rinse the durians and remove any dirt or debris. Then, you can use a knife to cut open the shell along the seams and pry it apart. You will see the flesh divided into segments or lobes, each containing one or more seeds. You can use your fingers or a spoon to scoop out the flesh and separate it from the seeds. You can also remove any fibers or membranes that are attached to the flesh.
  • Cut the flesh into small pieces: The next step is to cut the flesh into small pieces that are suitable for freeze drying. You can use a knife or a food processor to chop the flesh into bite-sized pieces of about 1 cm in diameter. The smaller the pieces are, the faster and more evenly they will freeze dry. You can also weigh the pieces and record their weight before freeze drying. This will help you calculate the water loss and moisture content after freeze drying.

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  • Freeze the pieces using fast freezing: The next step is to freeze the pieces using fast freezing. You can use liquid nitrogen, dry ice, or blast freezers to achieve very low temperatures between -50°C and -196°C for a few minutes or seconds. You can use a tray or a container to hold the pieces and make sure they are not touching each other or overlapping. You can also use a thermometer to monitor the temperature of the pieces and make sure they are completely frozen.
  • Place the frozen pieces in a freeze dryer: The next step is to place the frozen pieces in a freeze dryer. A freeze dryer is a machine that creates a vacuum and applies heat to sublimate the ice crystals in the food into vapor. You can use a commercial or a home freeze dryer depending on your needs and budget. You can follow the instructions of the manufacturer to set up and operate the freeze dryer. You can also adjust the vacuum and heat settings according to your preferences.
  • Start the primary drying stage: The next step is to start the primary drying stage or sublimation stage. This is where 95% of the water in the food is removed by applying a vacuum and heat. You can set the vacuum between 0.01 mbar and 0.1 mbar, while setting the heat between 30°C and 40°C. These conditions will allow for efficient water removal while maintaining the quality of the durian flesh and seeds.

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  • Start the secondary drying stage: The next step is to start the secondary drying stage or desorption stage. This is where 5% of the water in the food is removed by applying higher heat. You can set the heat between 50°C and 60°C. These conditions will reduce the moisture content to below 5% while preventing browning or oxidation of the durian flesh and seeds.
  • Stop the freeze drying process and remove the pieces from the freeze dryer: The final step is to stop the freeze drying process and remove the pieces from the freeze dryer. You can use a moisture meter to measure the moisture content of the pieces and make sure they are below 5%. You can also weigh the pieces and compare their weight with their pre-freeze drying weight. You can calculate the water loss and moisture content using this formula:

Water loss (%) = (Pre-freeze drying weight – Post-freeze drying weight) / Pre-freeze drying weight x 100

Moisture content (%) = (Post-freeze drying weight / Pre-freeze drying weight) x 100

You can also check the appearance, texture, aroma, and flavor of the pieces. They should look like miniature versions of fresh durian flesh, with yellow color, crunchy texture, strong smell, and sweet taste.

IV. Taste, Texture, and Nutritional Benefits: Why Freeze-Drying Durian is a Game-Changer

One of the main reasons why freeze drying durian is a game-changer is because it preserves the taste, texture, and nutritional benefits of fresh durian. Unlike other drying methods that can alter or degrade the quality of durian, freeze drying maintains the original characteristics of durian without compromising its flavor, aroma, texture, or nutrients.

*Taste and Aroma

Durian is known for its unique and complex taste and aroma that can be described as sweet, creamy, custardy, cheesy, nutty, floral, or even onion-like. Durian also has a strong and distinctive smell that can be either pleasant or unpleasant depending on one’s preference. Some people love the smell of durian, while others find it repulsive or offensive. Freeze drying durian preserves its taste and aroma by locking in the volatile compounds that give durian its flavor and smell. These compounds include esters, ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, sulfur compounds, and terpenes.

Freeze drying also prevents oxidation and browning that can affect the taste and aroma of durian. Freeze-dried durian has a milder aroma than fresh durian, but the flavor is more concentrated and richer. Freeze dried durian also has a crunchy texture that adds to its appeal. You can eat freeze dried durian as it is or rehydrate it with water or milk to enjoy its creamy texture. You can also use freeze dried durian in various recipes such as smoothies, ice cream, cakes, pies, cookies, or even savory dishes.


Durian has a soft and creamy texture that melts in your mouth. Durian flesh consists of cells that are filled with water and surrounded by cell walls and membranes. Durian seeds are hard and shiny and have a thin layer of flesh around them. Freeze drying durian preserves its texture by creating pores in the cells that allow water to escape without damaging the cell walls and membranes. Freeze drying also prevents shrinkage and deformation of the cells that can occur with other drying methods.

Freeze dried durian has a crunchy texture that is similar to freeze dried ice cream or astronaut food. Freeze dried durian also retains its shape and color after freeze drying. You can rehydrate freeze dried durian with water or milk to restore its soft and creamy texture. You can also grind freeze dried durian into powder to use as a flavoring agent or a nutritional supplement.

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*Nutritional Benefits

Durian is rich in carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamin C, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper. Durian also contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, carotenoids, phenolic acids, sulfur compounds, and volatile organic compounds that have various health benefits such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anticancer, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, immunomodulatory, and aphrodisiac effects.

Freeze drying durian preserves its nutritional benefits by preventing nutrient loss that can occur with other drying methods that involve heat or chemical treatment. Freeze drying also concentrates the nutrients and phytochemicals in the freeze dried product by removing the water content. Freeze dried durian has a higher nutrient density than fresh or conventional dried durian. Freeze dried durian is a nutritious snack that can provide you with energy and essential nutrients. Freeze dried durian is also a good source of dietary fiber that can improve your digestion and bowel health.

Freeze dried durian can also boost your immune system and protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. Freeze dried durian can also enhance your mood and libido by stimulating your brain and hormones. As you can see, freeze drying durian is a game-changer because it preserves the taste, texture, and nutritional benefits of fresh durian. Freeze dried durian is an exotic snack that can satisfy your cravings for something sweet and creamy. It is also a vegan snack that can provide you with energy and nutrients. Freeze dried durian is a product that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere, without worrying about the smell, the mess, or the waste.

Read more: Freeze Dried Durian in Bulk A Lucrative Opportunity for Your Business

V. Business Potential: Why Retailers and Wholesalers Should Consider Freeze Dried Durian

Another reason why freeze drying durian is a game-changer is because it creates new business opportunities for retailers and wholesalers who want to sell durian products. Freeze drying durian solves many of the challenges and limitations that fresh or conventional dried durian face in the market. For example:

  • Freeze drying durian: extends the shelf life of durian from a few days to several years, making it possible to store and transport durian without refrigeration or special packaging.
  • Freeze drying durian: reduces the weight and volume of durian by up to 90%, making it cheaper and easier to ship and distribute durian across the world.
  • Freeze drying durian: eliminates the strong odor of durian that can deter some consumers or cause complaints from neighbors or authorities.
  • Freeze drying durian: enhances the taste and nutrition of durian by concentrating its flavor, aroma, and phytochemicals, making it more appealing and beneficial to consumers.
  • Freeze drying durian: diversifies the product range of durian by allowing for different forms, flavors, and applications of durian, such as powder, chips, candy, or mixed with other fruits or ingredients.

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These advantages make freeze dried durian a profitable product for retailers and wholesalers who want to tap into the growing demand for exotic fruits and healthy snacks. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global freeze-dried fruit market size was valued at USD 36.98 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.2% from 2021 to 2028. The report also states that Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing region for freeze dried fruit due to the increasing disposable income, urbanization, and health awareness of consumers.

Durian is one of the most popular and sought-after fruits in Asia Pacific, especially in countries like China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Durian is also gaining popularity in other regions such as North America, Europe, Middle East, and Africa due to the influence of social media, tourism, and immigration. Durian is considered a delicacy, a luxury, and a status symbol by many consumers who are willing to pay a premium price for it.

Freeze dried durian is a product that can cater to these consumers who want to enjoy durian anytime, anywhere, without any hassle or compromise. Freeze dried durian is also a product that can attract new consumers who are curious about durian but are hesitant to try it because of its smell or appearance. Freeze dried durian is a product that can create loyal customers who will appreciate its taste, texture, and nutritional benefits. By selling freeze dried durian, retailers and wholesalers can increase their sales volume, revenue, and profit margin.

Read more: Durian Desserts – How to Enjoy the King of Fruits in a Sweet Way

They can also expand their market share, customer base, and brand recognition. They can also differentiate themselves from their competitors who only sell fresh or conventional dried durian. However, not all freeze dried durians are created equal. The quality of freeze-dried durians depends on the quality of fresh durians, the freezing method, the freeze-drying process, and the packaging and storage conditions. That’s why retailers and wholesalers should partner with a reliable and reputable supplier and exporter of freeze-dried durians, such as FruitBuys Vietnam.

VI. Quality Assurance with FruitBuys Vietnam: Setting the Gold Standard

Another reason why retailers and wholesalers should partner with FruitBuys Vietnam is because of their quality assurance. FruitBuys Vietnam is a professional wholesale supplier and exporter of premium dried fruits, freeze dried fruit, dry fruit powder, healthy snacks, exotic fruits, exotic snacks, veggie chips, vegan snacks, no sugar snacks, and low-sugar snacks with advanced drying technologies such as: Air Drying (AD), Freeze Drying (FD), Vacuum Frying (VF).

FruitBuys Vietnam has 7 years of experience in providing high-quality products and services to individual customers, wholesale customers, retail, import companies. FruitBuys Vietnam has a team of experts and technicians who are trained and certified in food safety and quality management. FruitBuys Vietnam also has a state-of-the-art facility that is equipped with modern machinery and technology that can produce large quantities of products with consistent quality and standards.

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FruitBuys Vietnam follows the strictest food safety and quality standards in the industry. FruitBuys Vietnam has obtained the FDA/HACCP/ISO certification that proves their compliance with the international regulations and requirements for food production and processing. FruitBuys Vietnam also conducts regular inspections and tests on their raw materials, processes, products, and packaging to ensure their safety, hygiene, and quality. FruitBuys Vietnam guarantees that their freeze-dried durians are made from fresh and ripe durians that are sourced from local farmers who practice organic and sustainable farming methods.

FruitBuys Vietnam also guarantees that their freeze-dried durians are free of additives, preservatives, or artificial colors that can compromise their quality or health benefits. FruitBuys Vietnam also guarantees that their freeze-dried durians are packed in airtight and moisture-proof bags or containers that can protect them from contamination or damage during storage or transportation. By partnering with FruitBuys Vietnam, retailers and wholesalers can be assured that they are getting the best quality freeze dried durians in the market.

They can also be assured that they are getting the best value for their money as FruitBuys Vietnam offers competitive prices, discounts, and incentives for bulk orders. They can also be assured that they are getting the best service as FruitBuys Vietnam provides reliable logistics and supply with fast delivery and tracking options. FruitBuys Vietnam is a trusted partner in the fruit business that can help retailers and wholesalers grow their business with freeze dried durians. FruitBuys Vietnam is a company that sets the gold standard for quality assurance in the industry.

VII. Environmental and Storage Benefits: Making the Most of Freeze-Dried Durian

Another reason why freeze-drying durian is a game-changer is because it has environmental and storage benefits that can reduce waste and save resources. Freeze drying durian can help conserve water, energy, land, and biodiversity that are otherwise used or affected by fresh or conventional dried durian production and consumption. For example:

  • Freeze drying durian: reduces water consumption by removing up to 90% of the water content in durian, which accounts for about 65% of its weight. This means that less water is needed to grow, wash, process, and transport durian. According to a study by the Water Footprint Network, the average water footprint of fresh durian is 1,100 liters per kilogram, while the average water footprint of freeze dried durian is only 110 liters per kilogram.
  • Freeze drying durian: reduces energy consumption by eliminating the need for refrigeration or special packaging for storage and transportation. This means that less electricity, fuel, or gas is used to preserve and distribute durian. According to a study by the Food and Agriculture Organization, the average energy consumption of fresh durian is 2.5 megajoules per kilogram, while the average energy consumption of freeze-dried durian is only 0.25 megajoules per kilogram.
  • Freeze drying durian: reduces land use by increasing the yield and shelf life of durian. This means that less land is needed to grow and store durian. According to a study by the World Wildlife Fund, the average land use of fresh durian is 0.5 hectares per tonne, while the average land use of freeze-dried durian is only 0.05 hectares per tonne.
  • Freeze drying durian: reduces biodiversity loss by minimizing the impact of durian cultivation and trade on natural habitats and wildlife. This means that less deforestation, habitat degradation, or wildlife trafficking occurs due to durian production and consumption. According to a study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the average biodiversity loss of fresh durian is 0.1 species per tonne, while the average biodiversity loss of freeze dried durian is only 0.01 species per tonne.

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These benefits make freeze dried durian a sustainable product that can contribute to environmental protection and conservation. Freeze dried durian is a product that can reduce your ecological footprint and carbon footprint while enjoying your favorite fruit.

VIII. Conclusion: Elevating the Fruit Industry with Freeze Dried Durian

In conclusion, freeze drying durian is a game-changer for the fruit industry because it preserves the taste, texture, and nutritional benefits of fresh durian while making it easier to store and transport. Freeze drying durian also creates new business opportunities for retailers and wholesalers who want to sell exotic fruits and healthy snacks. Freeze drying durian also has environmental and storage benefits that can reduce waste and save resources. Freeze drying durian is a product that can elevate the fruit industry to a new level of quality, innovation, and sustainability.

Freeze drying durian is a product that can satisfy your cravings for something sweet and creamy while providing you with energy and nutrients. Freeze drying durian is a product that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere, without any hassle or compromise. If you are interested in freeze dried durian or other freeze-dried fruits, you should contact FruitBuys Vietnam, your trusted partner in the fruit business.

FruitBuys Vietnam is a professional wholesale supplier and exporter of premium dried fruits, freeze dried fruit, dry fruit powder, healthy snacks, exotic fruits, exotic snacks, veggie chips, vegan snacks, no sugar snacks, and low-sugar snacks with advanced drying technologies such as: Air Drying (AD), Freeze Drying (FD), Vacuum Frying (VF). FruitBuys Vietnam has 7 years of experience in providing high-quality products and services to individual customers, wholesale customers, retail, import companies. FruitBuys Vietnam has a team of experts and technicians who are trained and certified in food safety and quality management.

FruitBuys Vietnam also has a state-of-the-art facility that is equipped with modern machinery and technology that can produce large quantities of products with consistent quality and standards. FruitBuys Vietnam follows the strictest food safety and quality standards in the industry. FruitBuys Vietnam has obtained the FDA/HACCP/ISO certification that proves their compliance with the international regulations and requirements for food production and processing. FruitBuys Vietnam also conducts regular inspections and tests on their raw materials, processes, products, and packaging to ensure their safety, hygiene, and quality.

FruitBuys Vietnam Customers Visit Durian Farm 23930

FruitBuys Vietnam guarantees that their freeze-dried fruits are made from fresh and ripe fruits that are sourced from local farmers who practice organic and sustainable farming methods. FruitBuys Vietnam also guarantees that their freeze-dried fruits are free of additives, preservatives, or artificial colors that can compromise their quality or health benefits. FruitBuys Vietnam also guarantees that their freeze-dried fruits are packed in airtight and moisture-proof bags or containers that can protect them from contamination or damage during storage or transportation.

By partnering with FruitBuys Vietnam, you can be assured that you are getting the best quality freeze dried fruits in the market. You can also be assured that you are getting the best value for your money as FruitBuys Vietnam offers competitive prices, discounts, and incentives for bulk orders. You can also be assured that you are getting the best service as FruitBuys Vietnam provides reliable logistics and supply with fast delivery and tracking options. FruitBuys Vietnam is a trusted partner in the fruit business that can help you grow your business with freeze dried fruits. FruitBuys Vietnam is a company that sets the gold standard for quality assurance in the industry.

IX. Contact FruitBuys Vietnam Your Trusted Partner in the Fruit Business

If you want to order freeze dried durian or other freeze-dried fruits from FruitBuys Vietnam, you can contact them through the following channels:

FruitBuys Vietnam Logistics And Supply 23919

FruitBuys Vietnam will be happy to answer your questions, provide you with samples, and give you a quote for your order. FruitBuys Vietnam will also assist you with the payment, shipping, and customs procedures to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transaction. FruitBuys Vietnam is your trusted partner in the fruit business that can provide you with high-quality freeze-dried fruits at wholesale prices. FruitBuys Vietnam is a company that you can rely on for your fruit needs. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your fruit business with freeze dried durian. Contact FruitBuys Vietnam today and place your order now!


How do you freeze durian?

  • To freeze durian, you need to wash, peel, and cut the fresh durian into small pieces. Then, you need to use liquid nitrogen, dry ice, or blast freezers to freeze the pieces at very low temperatures between -50°C and -196°C for a few minutes or seconds. This will create small and uniform ice crystals that preserve the quality of durian.

What is freeze-dried durian?

  • Freeze-dried durian is a product that uses a special process called freeze drying (FD) to remove the water from fresh durian fruit. This process preserves the natural color, shape, texture, flavor and nutrients of durian, while making it crispy and airy. Freeze-dried durian can be eaten as a snack or rehydrated with water or milk to restore its original softness.

What temperature does durian freeze?

  • Durian freezes at about -1°C, which is the freezing point of water. However, for freeze drying purposes, durian needs to be frozen at much lower temperatures between -50°C and -196°C. This will ensure that the ice crystals in durian are small and uniform, which will prevent damage to the cell walls and membranes of durian.

Why do you freeze durian?

  • You freeze durian for two main reasons: to preserve it and to prepare it for freeze drying. Freezing durian can extend its shelf life from a few days to several months or years, without the need for refrigeration or preservatives.
  • Freezing durian can also prepare it for freeze drying, which is a process that removes the water from durian by sublimating the ice crystals into vapor. Freeze drying durian can further extend its shelf life, reduce its weight and volume, eliminate its odor, and enhance its taste and nutrition.

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