Discover The Secret To Perfectly Crispy Snacks With FruitBuys Fried Banana Chips Recipes!

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Banana chips are a delicious and healthy snack that can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. They are crispy, crunchy, and full of natural sweetness. Banana chips are also easy to make at home with just a few ingredients and equipment. You can customize them with your favorite seasonings and spices, or try some of the unique recipes from FruitBuys Vietnam, a professional wholesale supplier and exporter of premium dry fruits, freeze dried fruit, freeze dried fruit powder, healthy snacks, exotic fruits, exotic snacks, veggie chips, vegan snacks, no sugar snacks, and low-sugar snacks with advanced drying technologies such as: Air Drying (AD), Freeze Drying (FD), Vacuum Frying (VF). In this article, we will show you how to make crispy snacks from fried banana chips recipes, and why you should sell this product to your customers.

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How To Make Crispy Snacks From Fried Banana Chips Recipes

I. Benefits of Homemade Banana Chips

Homemade banana chips have many benefits over store-bought ones. Here are some of them:

  • Homemade banana chips are fresher and tastier than packaged ones: You can control the quality and ripeness of the bananas you use, and choose the best oil and salt for frying.
  • Homemade banana chips are healthier and more nutritious than processed ones: You can avoid artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, and additives that may harm your health. You can also reduce the amount of sugar and fat in your banana chips by using natural sweeteners and low-calorie oils.
  • Homemade banana chips are cheaper and more economical than commercial ones: You can save money by buying bananas in bulk when they are in season, and making your own banana chips at home. You can also reuse the oil for frying other foods.
  • Homemade banana chips are more fun and creative than ready-made ones: You can experiment with different varieties of bananas, such as Cavendish, Lady Finger, Plantain, or Red Banana. You can also try different seasonings and spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder, or curry powder.
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Benefits Of Crispy Fried Banana Chips

II. Getting Started: Ingredients and Equipment

To make homemade banana chips, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:

*Essential Ingredients for Banana Chips

  • Bananas: You will need ripe but firm bananas for making banana chips. Avoid overripe or bruised bananas, as they will be too soft and mushy for frying. You can use any type of banana you like, but we recommend using Cavendish or Lady Finger bananas for their sweet flavor and yellow color.
  • Oil: You will need enough oil to deep-fry your banana slices. You can use any oil that has a high smoke point, such as coconut oil, sunflower oil, or peanut oil. Coconut oil is especially good for making banana chips, as it adds a tropical flavor and aroma to them.
  • Salt: You will need a pinch of salt to enhance the taste of your banana chips. You can use regular table salt or sea salt for this purpose. You can also add other seasonings and spices to your salt for extra flavor.

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*Equipment for Making Banana Chips

  • Knife: You will need a sharp knife to peel and slice your bananas. You can use a regular kitchen knife or a mandoline slicer for this task. A mandoline slicer will help you cut your bananas into thin and even slices.
  • Cutting Board: You will need a cutting board to place your bananas while slicing them. You can use any type of cutting board you have at home, such as wood, plastic, or glass.
  • Paper Towels: You will need some paper towels to dry your banana slices before frying them. This will help remove excess moisture from them and make them crispier.
  • Deep-Fryer or Large Pot: You will need a deep-fryer or a large pot to heat your oil and fry your banana slices. A deep-fryer is preferable, as it has a thermostat that controls the temperature of the oil and prevents it from burning. A large pot will also work fine, but you will have to monitor the heat carefully.
  • Slotted Spoon or Spider Skimmer: You will need a slotted spoon or a spider skimmer to remove your banana chips from the oil after frying them. These tools have holes or slots that allow the excess oil to drain off.
  • Baking Sheet or Large Plate: You will need a baking sheet or a large plate to place your banana chips after frying them. You can line it with paper towels to absorb any remaining oil from them.

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III. Basic Fried Banana Chips Recipe

Now that you have all the ingredients and equipment ready, you can start making your homemade banana chips with this basic recipe:

  • Peel and slice your bananas into thin rounds, about 1/8 inch thick. You can use a knife or a mandoline slicer for this step. Try to make your slices as uniform as possible, so they will cook evenly.
  • Place your banana slices on paper towels and pat them dry with more paper towels. This will remove any excess moisture from them and make them crispier.
  • Heat your oil in a deep-fryer or a large pot over medium-high heat. You can use a candy thermometer to check the temperature of the oil, which should be around 350°F (177°C). If you don’t have a thermometer, you can test the oil by dropping a small piece of banana into it. If it sizzles and floats to the surface, the oil is ready.
  • Carefully drop your banana slices into the hot oil, one by one or in small batches. Do not overcrowd the oil, as this will lower the temperature and make your banana chips soggy. Fry your banana slices for about 2 to 3 minutes, or until they are golden and crisp. You can flip them halfway through for even browning.
  • Use a slotted spoon or a spider skimmer to remove your banana chips from the oil and transfer them to a baking sheet or a large plate lined with paper towels. Sprinkle some salt over them while they are still hot, and toss them gently to coat them evenly.
  • Enjoy your homemade banana chips while they are warm and crunchy, or let them cool completely and store them in an airtight container for later.

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IV. Enhancing Flavor: Seasoning and Spices

You can enhance the flavor of your homemade banana chips by adding different seasonings and spices to them. Here are some ideas to spice up your banana chips:

  • Cinnamon Sugar: Mix some sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl, and sprinkle it over your banana chips after frying them. This will give them a sweet and spicy taste that is perfect for snacking or dessert.
  • Chili Powder: Add some chili powder to your salt, and sprinkle it over your banana chips after frying them. This will give them a spicy and savory kick that is great for appetizers or snacks.
  • Curry Powder: Add some curry powder to your salt, and sprinkle it over your banana chips after frying them. This will give them a warm and exotic flavor that is delicious for snacks or side dishes.
  • Nutmeg: Add some nutmeg to your salt, and sprinkle it over your banana chips after frying them. This will give them a nutty and aromatic flavor that is wonderful for snacking or breakfast.

*Creative Seasoning for Banana Chips

  • You can also create your own seasoning for your banana chips by combining different herbs and spices that you like. For example, you can mix some garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, oregano, and thyme for a savory and herbaceous seasoning. Or you can mix some brown sugar, ginger, cloves, allspice, and cardamom for a sweet and spicy seasoning.

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V. Exploring FruitBuys Vietnam’s Unique Recipes

If you want to try some of the unique recipes from FruitBuys Vietnam, you can order their premium dry fruits, freeze dried fruit, freeze dried fruit powder, healthy snacks, exotic fruits, exotic snacks, veggie chips, vegan snacks, no sugar snacks, and low-sugar snacks online at They have a variety of products that are made with advanced drying technologies such as: Air Drying (AD), Freeze Drying (FD), Vacuum Frying (VF). They also have natural tropical fruit lines from Vietnam such as: Banana, Dragon fruit, Durian, Jackfruit, Mango, Papaya, Passion fruit, Pineapple, Sapodilla, Strawberries, SoursopRambutan, Avocado, Cashew nuts, Sweet Potato, Lotus, Taro, and more. Here are some of their unique recipes for fried banana chips:

*FruitBuys Vietnam’s Banana Chip Varieties

  • Honey Banana Chips: These are made with fresh bananas that are coated with honey and fried in coconut oil. They have a sweet and sticky texture that is irresistible.

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  • Chocolate Banana Chips: These are made with fresh bananas that are dipped in melted chocolate and fried in coconut oil. They have a rich and decadent taste that is perfect for dessert lovers.

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  • Coconut Banana Chips: These are made with fresh bananas that are sprinkled with shredded coconut and fried in coconut oil. They have a tropical and crunchy flavor that is refreshing and satisfying.

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  • Sesame Banana Chips: These are made with fresh bananas that are coated with sesame seeds and fried in coconut oil. They have a nutty and crispy texture that is delicious and nutritious.

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VI. Baking vs. Frying: Which Method to Choose

You may wonder whether baking or frying is better for making banana chips. Both methods have their pros and cons:

*Baking Banana Chips


  • Baking banana chips is healthier than frying them, as it uses less oil and fat.
  • Baking banana chips is healthier than frying them, as it uses less oil and fat.
  • Baking banana chips is easier and safer than frying them, as it does not involve hot oil and splatters.
  • Baking banana chips is more environmentally friendly than frying them, as it does not produce waste oil and smoke.


  • Baking banana chips takes longer than frying them, as it requires preheating the oven and baking for about 15 to 20 minutes per batch.
  • Baking banana chips may result in less crispy and more chewy texture than frying them, as it does not remove as much moisture from them.
  • Baking banana chips may lose some of the natural flavor and aroma of the bananas, as it exposes them to high heat for a longer time.

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*Frying Banana Chips


  • Frying banana chips is faster and more convenient than baking them, as it only takes about 2 to 3 minutes per batch.
  • Frying banana chips produces crispier and crunchier texture than baking them, as it removes more moisture from them.
  • Frying banana chips preserves more of the natural flavor and aroma of the bananas, as it seals them in hot oil for a shorter time.


  • Frying banana chips is less healthy than baking them, as it uses more oil and fat.
  • Frying banana chips is more difficult and risky than baking them, as it involves hot oil and splatters that can cause burns and fires.
  • Frying banana chips is less environmentally friendly than baking them, as it produces waste oil and smoke that can pollute the air and water.

VII. Tips for the Perfect Banana Chips

To make your homemade banana chips perfect, you can follow these tips:

*Pro Tips for Crispy Banana Chips

  • Choose ripe but firm bananas for making banana chips: Avoid overripe or bruised bananas, as they will be too soft and mushy for frying.
  • Cut your bananas into thin and even slices: about 1/8 inch thick. You can use a knife or a mandoline slicer for this task. Try to make your slices as uniform as possible, so they will cook evenly.
  • Dry your banana slices before frying them: You can use paper towels to pat them dry, or you can place them in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake them in a low oven (200°F or 93°C) for about 10 minutes. This will remove any excess moisture from them and make them crispier.
  • Use enough oil to deep-fry your banana slices: You can use any oil that has a high smoke point, such as coconut oil, sunflower oil, or peanut oil. Coconut oil is especially good for making banana chips, as it adds a tropical flavor and aroma to them. The oil should be at least 2 inches deep in your deep-fryer or pot, and should cover your banana slices completely when you drop them in.
  • Fry your banana slices in small batches: Do not overcrowd the oil, as this will lower the temperature and make your banana chips soggy. Fry your banana slices for about 2 to 3 minutes, or until they are golden and crisp. You can flip them halfway through for even browning.
  • Drain your banana chips well after frying them: You can use a slotted spoon or a spider skimmer to remove your banana chips from the oil and transfer them to a baking sheet or a large plate lined with paper towels. Sprinkle some salt over them while they are still hot, and toss them gently to coat them evenly.

VIII. Storing Your Homemade Banana Chips

You can store your homemade banana chips in an airtight container for up to a week at room temperature, or up to a month in the refrigerator. You can also freeze your homemade banana chips for up to six months in a freezer-safe bag or container. To keep your homemade banana chips fresh and crispy, you should follow these steps:

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*Storing and Preserving Banana Chips

  • Let your homemade banana chips cool completely before storing them. If you store them while they are still warm or hot, they will become soft and soggy due to condensation.
  • Store your homemade banana chips in an airtight container or bag. You can use any container or bag that has a tight seal, such as glass jars, plastic containers, ziplock bags, or metal tins. Make sure there is no air or moisture inside the container or bag, as this will cause your banana chips to spoil or mold.
  • Keep your homemade banana chips away from heat, light, and humidity. You can store them in a cool, dark, and dry place, such as a pantry, cupboard, or drawer. Avoid storing them near windows, stoves, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, or refrigerators, as these sources of heat and light will degrade the quality of your banana chips.
  • Check your homemade banana chips regularly for signs of spoilage or mold. If you notice any change in color, smell, texture, or taste of your banana chips, you should discard them immediately. Do not eat any banana chips that are discolored, rancid, soft, or fuzzy.

IX. Healthy Alternatives: Baked Banana Chips

If you want to make a healthier alternative to fried banana chips, you can try baking them instead of frying them. Baked banana chips are lower in calories, fat, and oil than fried ones, and they are still crispy and delicious. To make baked banana chips, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:

*Healthier Baked Banana Chips

  • Bananas: You will need ripe but firm bananas for making baked banana chips. Avoid overripe or bruised bananas, as they will be too soft and mushy for baking. You can use any type of banana you like, but we recommend using Cavendish or Lady Finger bananas for their sweet flavor and yellow color.
  • Lemon Juice: You will need some lemon juice to prevent your bananas from browning when you slice them. You can use fresh or bottled lemon juice for this purpose. You can also use other acidic liquids, such as lime juice, orange juice, or vinegar.
  • Salt: You will need a pinch of salt to enhance the taste of your baked banana chips. You can use regular table salt or sea salt for this purpose. You can also add other seasonings and spices to your salt for extra flavor.
  • Baking Sheet: You will need a baking sheet to place your banana slices on before baking them. You can use any type of baking sheet you have at home, such as metal, glass, or silicone.
  • Parchment Paper: You will need some parchment paper to line your baking sheet with before placing your banana slices on it. This will prevent your banana slices from sticking to the baking sheet and make them easier to remove after baking.

To make baked banana chips, you can follow these steps:

  • Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Peel and slice your bananas into thin rounds, about 1/8 inch thick. You can use a knife or a mandoline slicer for this step. Try to make your slices as uniform as possible, so they will bake evenly.
  • Dip your banana slices in lemon juice and shake off the excess. This will prevent them from browning when you bake them.
  • Place your banana slices on the prepared baking sheet in a single layer, leaving some space between them. Sprinkle some salt over them lightly, and add any other seasonings or spices you like.
  • Bake your banana slices in the preheated oven for about 15 to 20 minutes per side, or until they are dry and crisp. You can flip them halfway through for even baking.
  • Remove your baked banana chips from the oven and let them cool completely on the baking sheet. They will become crispier as they cool down.
  • Enjoy your baked banana chips while they are fresh and crunchy, or store them in an airtight container for later.
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Crispy Fried Banana Chips Good For You

X. Conclusion: Enjoying Homemade Banana Chips

Ready to start making your own delicious and healthy homemade banana chips? Look no further than FruitBuys Vietnam! With just a few ingredients and equipment, you can whip up a batch of these tasty snacks in no time. Plus, you have the freedom to customize them with your favorite seasonings and spices, or try out some unique recipes from FruitBuys Vietnam. Not only are homemade banana chips a great treat for yourself, but they also make an excellent product to sell to customers who are on the lookout for high-quality, natural, and healthy snacks.

And with their long shelf life when stored properly, you can easily make them in large batches to meet demand. But why stop at just banana chips? FruitBuys Vietnam offers a wide range of premium dry fruits, freeze-dried fruit, freeze-dried fruit powder, healthy snacks, exotic fruits, veggie chips, vegan snacks, and more. Their products are made using advanced drying technologies like Air Drying (AD), Freeze Drying (FD), and Vacuum Frying (VF).

And with their natural tropical fruit lines including banana, dragon fruit, durian, jackfruit, mango, papaya, passion fruit, pineapple, and many more, there’s something for everyone’s taste and preference. Ready to explore all the delicious options FruitBuys Vietnam has to offer? Simply visit their website at to place your order. And if you have any questions or need assistance, you can reach out to them via WhatsApp at +84 919 739 589 or email them at So don’t wait any longer – start enjoying the benefits of homemade banana chips and other healthy snacks from FruitBuys Vietnam today!


What are the benefits of homemade banana chips?

  • Homemade banana chips are fresher, healthier, cheaper, and more fun than store-bought ones. You can control the quality and ripeness of the bananas, the type and amount of oil and salt, and the flavor and seasoning of your banana chips.

What kind of oil should I use for frying banana chips?

  • You should use oil that has a high smoke point, such as coconut oil, sunflower oil, or peanut oil. Coconut oil is especially good for making banana chips, as it adds a tropical flavor and aroma to them.

How can I make my banana chips crispier?

  • You can make your banana chips crispier by slicing them thinly and evenly, drying them before frying them, using enough oil to deep-fry them, frying them in small batches, and draining them well after frying them.

How can I spice up my banana chips?

  • You can spice up your banana chips by adding different seasonings and spices to your salt, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, chili powder, or curry powder. You can also try some of the unique recipes from FruitBuys Vietnam, such as honey banana chips, chocolate banana chips, coconut banana chips, or sesame banana chips.

How can I store my homemade banana chips?

  • You can store your homemade banana chips in an airtight container for up to a week at room temperature, or up to a month in the refrigerator. You can also freeze your homemade banana chips for up to six months in a freezer-safe bag or container.

How can I make a healthier alternative to fried banana chips?

  • You can make a healthier alternative to fried banana chips by baking them instead of frying them. Baked banana chips are lower in calories, fat, and oil than fried ones, and they are still crispy and delicious.

Where can I buy premium dry fruits and snacks from FruitBuys Vietnam?

#bananachips, #friedbananachips, #bananachipsrecipes, #crispysnacks, #healthysnacks, #fruitbuysvietnam, #driedfruits, #exoticfruits, #veggiechips, #vegansnacks.

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