Production Process Of Jackfruit Chips Using Vacuum Frying Technology At FruitBuys Vietnam

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Jackfruit is one of the most amazing fruits in the world. It’s not only the largest tree-borne fruit, but also one of the most versatile and nutritious. Jackfruit has a sweet and tropical flavor that can be enjoyed fresh, cooked, or dried. It’s also a great source of vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and plant-based protein. That’s why jackfruit is a popular vegan and gluten-free snack that can satisfy your hunger and your sweet tooth. At FruitBuys Vietnam, we love jackfruit and we want to share its goodness with the world. That’s why we use the innovative vacuum frying technology to turn fresh jackfruit into crispy and delicious chips that retain their natural flavor, color, and nutrients. Vacuum frying is a low-temperature process that reduces oil absorption and preserves the quality of the fruit. Our jackfruit chips are light, crunchy, and healthy, with no added sugar or preservatives. But how do we make these amazing jackfruit chips? What are the steps involved in our production process? And why should you choose FruitBuys Vietnam as your trusted partner for premium jackfruit chips? In this article, I’ll answer these questions and more. I’ll take you behind the scenes of our state-of-the-art facility and show you how we ensure the highest quality and freshness of our products. I’ll also tell you more about our experience and expertise in the fruit export industry, and how we can help you succeed in the global e-commerce market. So, are you ready to join me on this journey?

FruitBuys Vietnam Production Process Of Jackfruit Chips Using Vacuum Frying Technology

I. From Tropical Treasure to Crispy Delight: Unveiling the Journey of FruitBuys Vietnam’s Jackfruit Chips

*Why Jackfruit? A Nature’s Bounty of Flavor and Health

Jackfruit is one of the most exotic fruits in the world. It grows in tropical regions, especially in Southeast Asia, where it is considered a national fruit in some countries. Jackfruit has a unique appearance, with a spiky green skin and a yellow flesh that can weigh up to 40 kilograms. Jackfruit has a sweet and tropical flavor that can be enjoyed fresh, cooked, or dried. It can also be used as a meat substitute, as it has a similar texture and can absorb different sauces and spices. But jackfruit is not only delicious, it’s also nutritious. Jackfruit is a vegan and gluten-free snack that can provide many health benefits. Jackfruit is rich in vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin A, which can boost your immune system, support your metabolism, and improve your vision. Jackfruit is also high in fiber, which can aid your digestion, lower your cholesterol, and prevent constipation. Jackfruit is also a good source of antioxidants, which can protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation. Jackfruit can also help you lose weight, as it is low in calories and fat, but high in water and protein. As you can see, jackfruit is a nature’s bounty of flavor and health. That’s why we at FruitBuys Vietnam love jackfruit and we want to share its goodness with the world.

*Beyond Sun-Kissed: Why Vacuum Frying Makes a Difference

One of the ways we share the goodness of jackfruit is by turning it into crispy and delicious chips that retain their natural flavor, color, and nutrients. How do we do that? By using the innovative vacuum frying technology. Vacuum frying is a process that involves frying food under low pressure and low temperature. This reduces the amount of oil that is absorbed by the food, and preserves the quality of the food. Vacuum frying has many advantages over conventional frying, such as:

  • Crispy texture: Vacuum frying creates a crispy and crunchy texture that is satisfying and enjoyable. Vacuum frying also prevents the food from becoming soggy or oily, as it removes excess moisture and oil from the food.
  • Healthy snack: Vacuum frying reduces the oil content and the fat content of the food, making it a healthier snack than regular fried food. Vacuum frying also lowers the acrylamide level, which is a carcinogenic substance that is formed when food is fried at high temperatures. Vacuum frying also maintains the natural vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants of the food, which can benefit your health.
  • Oil-reduced: Vacuum frying uses less oil than conventional frying, which can save you money and resources. Vacuum frying also reduces the environmental impact of oil disposal, as it produces less waste and pollution.

As you can see, vacuum frying makes a difference in creating a crispy and healthy snack that you and your customers will love. That’s why we at FruitBuys Vietnam use vacuum frying technology to turn fresh jackfruit into crispy and delicious chips.

FruitBuys Vietnam 1. From Tropical Treasure To Crispy Delight_ Unveiling The Journey Of FruitBuys Vietnam's Jackfruit ChipsDiscover the Amazing Benefits of Jackfruit Chips in the World of Jackfruit Snacks

II. Stepping into FruitBuys Vietnam’s Kitchen: A Peek at Our Meticulous Process

Now that you know why we use jackfruit and vacuum frying technology, let me show you how we make our jackfruit chips. Our production process involves several steps, each of which is carefully monitored and controlled to ensure the highest quality and freshness of our products. Here are the steps we follow:

*From Orchard to Oven: Handpicking the Freshest Jackfruit

The first step in our production process is to source the freshest jackfruit from our trusted farmers. We work with local farmers who grow jackfruit in a sustainable and ethical way, using organic and natural methods. We visit the orchards regularly and inspect the jackfruit for quality and ripeness. We handpick the jackfruit that meets our standards and transport them to our facility in a refrigerated truck. We only use fresh jackfruit that is harvested within 24 hours of our production.

*From Ripe to Right: Preparing Jackfruit for Perfection

The second step in our production process is to prepare the jackfruit for frying. We wash the jackfruit thoroughly and peel off the skin. We cut the jackfruit into thin slices and remove the seeds. We then soak the jackfruit slices in a solution of water, salt, and citric acid, which helps to prevent browning and enhance the flavor. We rinse the jackfruit slices and drain them well. We then weigh and measure the jackfruit slices and check them for quality and hygiene. We only use jackfruit slices that are uniform in size, shape, and color.

*Chilled for Crispness: The Secret Weapon of Vacuum Frying

The third step in our production process is to pre-freeze the jackfruit slices before frying. This is the secret weapon of vacuum frying, as it improves the texture and efficiency of the process. We place the jackfruit slices in a blast freezer, which rapidly lowers the temperature to -18°C. This freezes the water inside the jackfruit cells, creating tiny ice crystals. When the jackfruit slices are fried, the ice crystals evaporate, leaving behind small pores that create a light and crispy texture. Pre-freezing also reduces the frying time and the oil absorption, making the process more efficient and economical.

FruitBuys Vietnam 2. Stepping Into FruitBuys Vietnam's Kitchen_ A Peek At Our Meticulous ProcessJackfruit Chips in Vietnam: A Delicious and Healthy Snack

III. The Magic Happens: Inside Our State-of-the-Art Vacuum Fryer

The fourth step in our production process is to fry the jackfruit slices in our state-of-the-art vacuum fryer. This is where the magic happens, as the jackfruit slices are transformed into crispy and delicious chips that retain their natural flavor, color, and nutrients. Here’s how our vacuum fryer works:

*Gentle Heat, Big Flavor: Unveiling the Low-Temperature Advantage

Our vacuum fryer operates under low pressure and low temperature, which creates a gentle and even heat distribution. We fry the jackfruit slices at 90°C, which is much lower than the conventional frying temperature of 180°C. This low-temperature frying has many benefits, such as:

  • Natural flavor: Low-temperature frying preserves the natural flavor of the jackfruit, as it does not cause any chemical changes or degradation of the sugars and proteins. Our jackfruit chips have a sweet and tropical flavor that is authentic and delicious.
  • Nutrients: Low-temperature frying preserves the natural nutrients of the jackfruit, as it does not destroy or reduce the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Our jackfruit chips are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, fiber, and plant-based protein, which can benefit your health.
  • Healthy chips: Low-temperature frying reduces the acrylamide level, which is a carcinogenic substance that is formed when food is fried at high temperatures. Our jackfruit chips have a low acrylamide level, which makes them safer and healthier than regular fried chips.

As you can see, low-temperature frying creates a gentle heat that enhances the flavor and the nutrients of the jackfruit, making our chips a healthy and tasty snack.

FruitBuys Vietnam 3. The Magic Happens_ Inside Our State Of The Art Vacuum Fryer
Differences Between Freeze Drying, Air Drying, And Vacuum Frying- 7 Surprising Facts You Need to Know

*Kissing Goodbye to Excess: Removing Oil with Precision

Our vacuum fryer also has a centrifugation system that removes the excess oil from the jackfruit chips. This is done by spinning the jackfruit chips at a high speed, which forces the oil out of the pores and the surface of the chips. This oil removal has many benefits, such as:

  • Light and crispy: Oil removal creates a light and crispy texture that is satisfying and enjoyable. Our jackfruit chips are not soggy or oily, but crunchy and airy.
  • Healthy snack: Oil removal reduces the oil content and the fat content of the jackfruit chips, making them a healthier snack than regular fried chips. Our jackfruit chips have a low oil content of 15%, which is much lower than the conventional fried chips of 35%. Our jackfruit chips also have a low fat content of 5%, which is much lower than the conventional fried chips of 15%.
  • Oil-reduced: Oil removal uses less oil than conventional frying, which can save you money and resources. Our vacuum fryer uses 50% less oil than conventional fryer, which means less waste and less pollution.

As you can see, oil removal creates a light and crispy texture that reduces the oil and the fat of the jackfruit chips, making our chips a healthy and economical snack.

IV. From Fryer to Freshness: Ensuring Uncompromised Quality

The fifth step in our production process is to ensure the uncompromised quality and freshness of our jackfruit chips. We do this by following two steps:

*Cooling It Down: Preserving Perfection in Every Bite

The first step is to cool down the jackfruit chips after frying. We do this by placing the jackfruit chips in a cooling chamber, which lowers the temperature to 25°C. This controlled cooling has many benefits, such as:

  • Quality control: Cooling down the jackfruit chips prevents them from sticking together or breaking apart, which can affect the quality and the appearance of the chips. We check the jackfruit chips for any defects or damages, and discard any that do not meet our standards.
  • Consistent texture: Cooling down the jackfruit chips stabilizes the texture and the crispness of the chips, which can vary depending on the frying time and the oil temperature. We ensure that every jackfruit chip has a consistent and uniform texture that is light and crunchy.

As you can see, cooling down the jackfruit chips preserves the perfection in every bite, ensuring the quality and the consistency of our chips.

FruitBuys Vietnam 4. From Fryer To Freshness_ Ensuring Uncompromised Quality

*Sealed for Goodness: Protecting Flavor and Freshness

The second step is to seal the jackfruit chips in airtight packaging that protects the flavor and the freshness of the chips. We do this by using a vacuum packaging machine, which removes the air from the package and seals it tightly. This airtight packaging has many benefits, such as:

  • Freshness: Airtight packaging prevents the jackfruit chips from being exposed to oxygen, moisture, and light, which can cause oxidation, spoilage, and discoloration. Our jackfruit chips stay fresh and tasty for up to 12 months, without any loss of quality or flavor.
  • Flavor: Airtight packaging preserves the natural flavor of the jackfruit, as it does not allow any external odors or contaminants to enter the package. Our jackfruit chips have a sweet and tropical flavor that is authentic and delicious.
  • Shelf life: Airtight packaging extends the shelf life of the jackfruit chips, as it reduces the risk of microbial growth, insect infestation, and mold formation. Our jackfruit chips have a long shelf life, which means you can store them for a long time and enjoy them whenever you want.

As you can see, airtight packaging protects the flavor and the freshness of the jackfruit chips, ensuring the satisfaction and the loyalty of your customers.

V. Why Choose FruitBuys Vietnam: Your Partner for Premium Jackfruit Chips

Now that you know how we make our jackfruit chips, let me tell you why you should choose FruitBuys Vietnam as your partner for premium jackfruit chips. We have many reasons to be proud of our company, and we want to share them with you. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose us:

*Experience and Expertise: 7 Years of Passion, Crafting Perfection

We have been in the fruit export industry for over 7 years, and we have gained a lot of experience and expertise in this field. We have a passion for crafting perfection, and we always strive to improve our products and services. We have a deep knowledge of the market trends, the customer preferences, and the quality standards of different countries and regions. We have a team of professional and experienced staff, who are dedicated and friendly. We have a network of reliable and trustworthy partners, who support us and cooperate with us. We have a reputation for excellence, and we have earned the trust and the respect of our customers and our peers.

*Quality Uncompromised: From Farm to Fork, Only the Best

We are committed to providing the highest quality of jackfruit chips, and we do not compromise on any aspect of our production process. We use only the freshest and the finest jackfruit, sourced from our trusted farmers who use organic and natural methods. We use the innovative vacuum frying technology, which preserves the natural flavor, color, and nutrients of the jackfruit. We use the stringent quality control measures, which ensure the hygiene, the safety, and the consistency of our products. We use the airtight packaging, which protects the flavor and the freshness of our products. We use the farm-to-fork approach, which guarantees the traceability and the transparency of our products. We use only the best, and we deliver only the best.

FruitBuys Vietnam 5. Why Choose FruitBuys Vietnam_ Your Partner For Premium Jackfruit Chips

VI. A World of Flavor Awaits: Beyond the Jackfruit – FruitBuys Vietnam’s Diverse Offerings

Jackfruit is not the only fruit we offer at FruitBuys Vietnam. We have a wide range of exotic fruit chips and healthy snacks that can cater to your variety and taste preferences. We use the same vacuum frying technology and the same quality standards to produce these products, which are equally delicious and nutritious. Here are some of the products we offer:

  • Mango: Mango is another tropical fruit that has a sweet and tangy flavor. Mango is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants, which can boost your immune system, improve your skin, and prevent infections. Our mango chips are crispy and flavorful, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Dragon fruit: Dragon fruit is a cactus fruit that has a mild and refreshing flavor. Dragon fruit is high in fiber, vitamin C, and iron, which can aid your digestion, support your blood health, and enhance your energy. Our dragon fruit chips are light and crunchy, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Banana: Banana is a common fruit that has a creamy and sweet flavor. Banana is a good source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B6, which can regulate your blood pressure, support your nerve and muscle function, and improve your mood. Our banana chips are thin and crispy, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Durian: Durian is a controversial fruit that has a strong and pungent flavor. Durian is a powerhouse of nutrients, such as protein, calcium, and phosphorus, which can strengthen your bones, muscles, and teeth. Our durian chips are crunchy and aromatic, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Papaya: Papaya is a tropical fruit that has a sweet and musky flavor. Papaya is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and enzymes, which can improve your digestion, protect your eyes, and heal your wounds. Our papaya chips are crispy and tasty, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Pineapple: Pineapple is a tropical fruit that has a sweet and sour flavor. Pineapple is loaded with vitamin C, manganese, and bromelain, which can fight infections, support your metabolism, and reduce inflammation. Our pineapple chips are crunchy and tangy, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Sapodilla: Sapodilla is a tropical fruit that has a sweet and caramel-like flavor. Sapodilla is a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and iron, which can help you feel full, boost your immune system, and prevent anemia. Our sapodilla chips are crispy and sweet, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Strawberry: Strawberry is a berry fruit that has a sweet and juicy flavor. Strawberry is packed with vitamin C, folate, and antioxidants, which can enhance your immunity, support your brain health, and prevent aging. Our strawberry chips are light and fruity, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Soursop: Soursop is a tropical fruit that has a sour and citrusy flavor. Soursop is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B, and antioxidants, which can improve your immune system, support your nervous system, and fight cancer. Our soursop chips are crispy and zesty, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Sweet potato: Sweet potato is a root vegetable that has a sweet and starchy flavor. Sweet potato is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber, which can improve your vision, protect your skin, and lower your cholesterol. Our sweet potato chips are crunchy and savory, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Lotus: Lotus is a water plant that has a mild and nutty flavor. Lotus is a great source of protein, calcium, and iron, which can build your muscles, bones, and blood. Our lotus chips are crispy and nutty, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Taro: Taro is a root vegetable that has a creamy and earthy flavor. Taro is a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, which can aid your digestion, regulate your blood pressure, and prevent scurvy. Our taro chips are crunchy and earthy, with no added sugar or preservatives.
  • Veggie chips: Veggie chips are a mix of various vegetables that have different flavors and colors. Veggie chips are a good way to enjoy the benefits of vegetables, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, in a fun and convenient way. Our veggie chips are crispy and colorful, with no added sugar or preservatives.

As you can see, we have a world of flavor waiting for you at FruitBuys Vietnam. We have a diverse range of exotic fruit chips and healthy snacks that can satisfy your cravings and your customers’ demands. You can choose from our existing products, or you can customize your own products according to your preferences and needs. We are flexible and adaptable, and we are always ready to serve you.

FruitBuys Vietnam 7. Your Trusted Partner For Success_ Why Partner With FruitBuys Vietnam

VII. Your Trusted Partner for Success: Why Partner with FruitBuys Vietnam?

By now, you must be impressed by our jackfruit chips and our other products. But you may be wondering, why should you partner with us? What can we offer you that other suppliers can’t? Well, let me tell you why you should partner with FruitBuys Vietnam. We have many advantages and benefits that can make your business successful and profitable. Here are some of them:

*Competitive Pricing and Unwavering Customer Service

We offer competitive pricing for our products, which can help you increase your margins and profits. We also offer discounts and incentives for bulk orders and long-term contracts, which can help you save money and resources. We also offer unwavering customer service, which can help you solve any problems or issues that may arise. We have a 24/7 support team, who are ready to answer your questions and assist you in any way. We have a customer feedback system, which allows you to share your opinions and suggestions with us. We value your feedback and we use it to improve our products and services. We treat you as a partner, not just a customer, and we respect your needs and expectations.

*Global Reach and Delivery Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

We have a global reach and delivery solutions that can help you reach your customers anywhere in the world. We have a network of reliable and trustworthy logistics partners, who can deliver your orders safely and swiftly. We offer international express delivery services, which allow you to send goods to over 220 countries and territories worldwide within 5 to 9 working days. We also offer cargo shipping services, which connect you with over 500 seaports in 200+ countries and territories globally. You can import goods from FruitBuys Vietnam within 2-6 weeks. You can choose between express delivery or cargo shipping based on your needs and preferences. We have flexible and customizable solutions that can suit your budget and your schedule. We also have a tracking system that allows you to monitor the status of your shipment online 24/7. We ensure that your goods will arrive at the right place, at the right time, and according to your requirements.

*Your Success is Our Story: Let’s Grow Together

We are more than just a supplier of jackfruit chips and other products. We are your partner for success. We want to help you grow your business and achieve your goals. We want to share our experience and expertise with you, and learn from you as well. We want to build a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship with you, based on trust and respect. We want to make your success our story, and our story your success. That’s why we invite you to contact us today and get a personalized quote for your order. We will provide you with the best prices, the best quality, and the best service. We will also provide you with advice and support on how to market and sell our products, and how to satisfy and retain your customers. We will also listen to your feedback and suggestions, and work with you to improve our products and services. We will do everything we can to make you happy and successful. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today via WhatsApp +84-919 739 589 or email us at

VIII. Conclusion

In this article, I have shown you how we make our jackfruit chips using vacuum frying technology, and why you should choose FruitBuys Vietnam as your partner for premium jackfruit chips. I have also shown you our diverse range of exotic fruit chips and healthy snacks, and our competitive pricing, global delivery, and customer service. I hope you have learned a lot from this article, and I hope you are interested in our products and our company. But don’t just take my word for it. Try our products for yourself and see the difference. Order a sample pack today and taste the flavor and the freshness of our jackfruit chips and other products. You will be amazed by the quality and the taste of our products, and you will want to order more. You will also see the positive feedback and the repeat orders from your customers, and you will want to partner with us for a long time. So, don’t hesitate. Contact us today and get a personalized quote for your order. We are waiting for your call or email, and we are ready to serve you. We are FruitBuys Vietnam, your partner for premium jackfruit chips and more. Thank you for reading this article, and have a great day!

IX. FAQs-People also ask

What are the benefits of vacuum frying jackfruit chips?

  • Vacuum frying is a process that uses low temperatures and reduced pressure to fry fruits and vegetables. This preserves the natural flavor, color, and nutrients of the jackfruit, while reducing the oil content and improving the texture. Vacuum-fried jackfruit chips are healthier, tastier, and crispier than traditional fried snacks.

How long do vacuum-fried jackfruit chips last?

  • Vacuum-fried jackfruit chips have a long shelf life, as the airtight packaging prevents moisture and oxygen from spoiling the product. Depending on the storage conditions, vacuum-fried jackfruit chips can last up to 12 months without losing their quality and freshness.

Are vacuum-fried jackfruit chips vegan and gluten-free?

  • Yes, vacuum-fried jackfruit chips are vegan and gluten-free, as they are made from 100% natural jackfruit and vegetable oil. They do not contain any animal products, wheat, or other allergens. They are also non-GMO and free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives.

Where can I buy vacuum-fried jackfruit chips from FruitBuys Vietnam?

  • You can buy vacuum-fried jackfruit chips from FruitBuys Vietnam online or offline. Online, you can visit their website, and browse their catalog of exotic fruit chips and healthy snacks. You can also contact them via phone or email to request a wholesale quotation or a free sample. Offline, you can find their products in natural food stores, supermarkets, and distributors across Vietnam and abroad.

Why should I choose FruitBuys Vietnam as my supplier of vacuum-fried jackfruit chips?

  • FruitBuys Vietnam is a leading supplier of freeze-dried fruit and dried fruit snacks in Vietnam, with over 7 years of experience and expertise in the market. They offer competitive pricing, unwavering customer service, and global delivery solutions tailored to your needs. They also use the highest quality jackfruit, vacuum frying technology, and stringent quality control measures to ensure a consistent and reliable product. By partnering with FruitBuys Vietnam, you can enjoy a world of flavor and a trusted partner for success.

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